Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

What are the treatment options for myopia?

I was diagnosed with myopia. I don't want to wear glasses or contacts. What are the treatment options for myopia?

5 Answers

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a common vision condition where distant objects appear blurry. There are several treatment options available for myopia, ranging from corrective lenses to surgical procedures. The most appropriate treatment will depend on the severity of your myopia and your personal preferences. Here are some options: - Prescription Eyeglasses: The most common and non-invasive way to correct myopia is by wearing eyeglasses. An optometrist or ophthalmologist can determine your prescription, and you can choose from a variety of frame styles. - Contact Lenses: These provide a more natural field of vision compared to glasses. There are daily, weekly, monthly, and specialty contact lenses designed specifically for myopia. Consult an eye care professional to determine the best type for your needs. - Bifocal or Multifocal Lenses: These lenses are designed to help people with myopia, especially if they also have presbyopia (difficulty focusing on close objects). They can improve both distance and near vision. - Refractive Surgery: Surgical procedures can permanently reshape the cornea to correct myopia. Common options include: 1. LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis): This surgery uses a laser to reshape the cornea. 2. PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy): Similar to LASIK but involves removing the outer layer of the cornea before reshaping. - Orthokeratology (Ortho-K): This involves using specially designed gas-permeable contact lenses that are worn overnight to reshape the cornea. During the day, you won't need to wear any vision correction. Ortho-K is primarily used to slow the progression of myopia in children. - Behavioral and Lifestyle Changes: Encouraging outdoor activities and reducing screen time, especially in children, can help control myopia progression. - Combination Therapy: In some cases, a combination of treatments may be recommended to address both vision correction and the progression of myopia. It's crucial to consult with an eye care professional, such as an optometrist or ophthalmologist, to determine the best treatment option for your specific case of myopia. They will consider factors like your prescription strength, age, eye health, and lifestyle to provide personalized recommendations. Regular eye exams are also essential to monitor any changes in your condition and adjust your treatment as needed.
PRK, SMILE, LASIK, ICL. https://eyewiki.aao.org/Myopia#:~:text=If%20the%20surgery%20is%20successful,most%20commonly%20performed%20refractive%20surgeries . Frank Cao
Refractive laser surgery
Best option is laser vision correction for you.
Your doctor can evaluate you and determine if you are eligible for refractive surgery.