Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What causes tight hips and lower back?

I am a 33 year old female. I have tight hips and lower back. What causes tight hips and lower back?

5 Answers

Hi there, some of these pains can occur during something we like to call repetitive traumas i.e. improper postures from sleeping in wrong positions, or work-related traumas including lifting, sitting, or standing for long periods all can bring on sudden back or neck pain without injury. Here’s a link to some cream I give to my patients daily for natural relief hope this helps. Dr. J.

Also, try these stretches, I personally used these daily and recommend them.
Usually poor posture and tight muscles. Do some yoga and get adjusted. Talk to your chiropractor about posture and get in better habits. It could prevent hip replacements or surgeries down the road!!
Tight hips and lower back can be caused by several things. Overuse of the muscles without proper stretching is one reason, but often there is dysfunction of the sacroiliac or pelvic joints that cause a reflex tightening of the glutes, hip rotators, hamstrings and paraspinal muscles. An examination of the lumbosacral and hip joints by a good Chiropractor or Physical therapist should be able to determine the cause of your problem.
Good luck!

Take care and be well,

Dr. Eric Miller
Prolonged sitting and activities like jogging and cycling can lead to tight hip flexors and muscle imbalances which contribute to low back pain. Tight hip flexors create an anterior pull on the pelvis known as an anterior pelvic tilt.
Tight hips and lower back are usually caused from too much sitting, lack of proper hydration, and lack of regular exercise. It can also be caused from overuse or repetitive trauma, as well as overt trauma.