Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

What should I not eat with dental braces?

I will get braces next week. What should I not eat with dental braces?

3 Answers

You need to avoid sticky and chewy foods like popcorn, gum and fruit snacks. Also avoid chewing on ice as your wires and brackets can break. But most importantly, continue to brush and floss well daily!

Vani Takiar DMD, MA
Board-Certified Pediatric Laser Dentist
Practice Owner
Tooth Clues, PLLC
606 S. King Street, Suite 200
Leesburg, VA 20175
571-799-0559 (main)
571-799-0560 (fax)
571-799-0561 (direct)
All sticky foods should be avoided with braces. Extra care to keep the wires, brackets, and bands clean should be exercised. Make sure that you ask for floss threaders and/or superfluous to keep the areas clean while you're in treatment. If the bacteria load is allowed to accumulate and remain long-term, the gums may not recoil and may remain inflamed permanently; thus, eliminating the reason for the braces in the first place.
Ideally, avoid sticky foods since they are more difficult to clean off the
metal brackets on your braces. Other than that, there are not much
limitations. You teeth will feel sore for a few days after getting braces
so hard foods may be more uncomfortable to eat.

Dr. Totonchi