Endocrinology, Diabetes Questions Endocrinology-Diabetes

Why a massive rise in blood sugar level?

I missed my October 2020 blood glucose test due to shielding but didn't worry as my level was 36 and my GP was considering stopping my diabetic checks. I have had a shock as the level is now 94 and I am going to start taking tablets. Could something else have caused this massive rise?

Female | 74 years old

3 Answers

This could be due to ingesting a large amount of glucose as an ice cream, soda, or due to factors internally affecting the patient such as infection, other acute illness, or certain drugs such as steroids.

Edward N. Smolar, MD
Dear Patient,

A sugar level of 94 is perfectly normal, although I do not know meaning of shielding in your question. The level of 36 was low and dangerous and was done in Oct 2020. Your question is being responded to August 26, 2021. I don't know if that was a fasting sugar or post-eating, but if you did not miss a meal, do strenuous exercise, or take extra diabetic meds, you need to be reevaluated as to diet and medications to prevent low sugars. High sugars can be caused by overeating carbs, overweight, onset of acute stress illness, and inadequate meds.


Marvin A. Leder, MD FACP FACE
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The rise is not massive the level went from low to normal. You need to speak with your doctor to monitor your sugars and test blood pre meal and 2 hours after meals to see how the levels swing which is normal and treat if needed.