Radiologist (Pediatric) Questions Pediatrics

Why a pediatric radiologist?

My pediatrician referred me and my child to a pediatric radiologist for lung x-rays. Why couldn't have this been done in office or with a regular radiologist?

2 Answers

A pediatric radiologist will often use equipment or shielding that exposes a child to lower amounts of radiation. Pediatric radiologists also are more accustomed to the disease processes that affect children so their interpretations are often more useful to a pediatrician. Remember, children are not just small adults.
1.The equipment and policies at a pediatric center is designed specifically for children, so usually the amount of radiation given to the child is less.
2. As a child grows, the lungs, heart and bones are changing, so a pediatric specialist has a better idea of normal images at each age.
3. The problems in children are much different than adults, so things that look like one diagnosis in an adult may well mean something else in a child.

Dawn Light