Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Itching

Why do I have itching in my ears every morning?

I have severe itching in my ears the minute I wake up in the morning. It settles on its own but what could be the reason?

7 Answers

Itchy ears can be a challenging problem. The skin in your ear canal is effected by similar things to the skin all over your body, and can be treated similarly.
I find that it occurs even more commonly in patients that routinely clean the inside of their ears with a-tips or other devices. At best cleaning the ear canals clears all the ear wax. This is not a good idea as ear wax keeps your canals moist (and stop itching) and has anti-infectious properties. Q tips can also scratch your canal, pound in wax, and occasionally injury your ear drum or deeper structure of your ear if forced in.
I would recommend an ear exam to rule out a wax impaction a chronic infection, obstruction, or anything concerning (which is rare), and stop q-tip use (your ear will clean itself). If it is just dry skin, you can have your doctor consider as needed steroid drop (used sparingly to reduce risk of a fungal infection) to reduce irritation.

Could be allergies as well as just dry skin.

Dr. D
Ear “itchiness” can be part of a general dermatologic condition or related to simple drying and dying of “ear canal skin” (which is normal) or ear wax. Not clear why it only occurs on awakening.
Most likely chronic external otitis--treat with Mycolog ointment after physician consult.

Morton Goldfarb, M.D. FACSSV-WUSV
It could be seborrheic dermatitis, similar to dandruff. You may try treating it with hydrocortisone cream: put a small dot on a cotton tip applicator no longer than 1 inch and apply to the ear canal 2x a day until itch resolves. It may reoccur, so you may repeat this. The over-the-counter medication only has a shelf life of 60 days, so you cannot use it 6 months later.
Most of the time is lack of wax because of dryness of the skin of the ear canal. Never clean or touch your ears
May have dust allergy or allergy to detergent used.