Dentist Questions Dentist

Why does my tooth crown hurt more when I lay down?

I had a tooth crown put in 3 days ago. It hurts more when I lay down. What could be the cause?

7 Answers

The best advice is to contact your dentist and let them know that this is occurring so you can get in and have this looked at. Many times after a crown is placed it may take a few days for you to feel more normal however the best practice is to consult your dentist so that he or she can evaluate your situation.
If you notice the pain in your new crown occurs after you lay down (when you wake up), you could be clenching or grinding your teeth while you sleep. Treatment options could include, adjusting the crown, neuromodulators to relax the clenching muscles, or a bite guard.
If you lay down and the crown or tooth hurts, the nerve must be checked by doing pulp testing, and thermal testing to see if the nerve of your tooth is vital or not.
For more on porcelain crowns in los Angeles click here:
When you lay down there is more blood going to your head. This may cause a faster response. If this pain continues go back to your dentist and have him check for nerve damage or a gum problem.
When you lay down, the blood flows more to your head/mouth and the tooth if there's inflammation. You might need a root canal if it doesn't get better.

Daniel C. Fischer, D.D.S.
Occlusion have the dentist check
Good Morning!

I would advise calling the doctor who did your treatment. They can get you in for an appointment and advise.