Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

Why is a Brazilian bum lift so dangerous?

I am a 25 year old female. I want to know why is a Brazilian bum lift so dangerous?

5 Answers

It's all about the technique that is used. The general consensus is to use blunt cannulas, avoid intramuscular injection (+/- ultrasound guidance) and monitor the patient following the procedure. A board certified plastic surgeon can discuss safety measures they employ to mitigate the risk.
Hello, Brazilian Buttock Lift is not dangerous if performed by a licensed qualified cosmetic or plastic surgeon. Risk include infection, but is extremely rare. Those that may be performing it and are not qualified, may hit a nerve or worse a blood vessel. That is dangerous. If you have further questions you can visit me website at for further information. Good luck!
Overall, a Brazilian butt lift is a very safe procedure when done with caution. The danger comes from a lack of understanding of anatomy or attempting to place too large of a volume of transferred fat. During a Brazilian butt lift, if the injector lacks knowledge of the anatomy or tries to place too large of a volume, they can damage and veins of the buttocks and inject fat into these veins. When fat is injected into these veins and the fat travels to the heart and lungs, this is called a fat embolism and this can result in death. I encourage you to only see board certified plastic surgeons for these procedures, not other non-plastic surgeons with limited expertise and training in this anatomy.

Cedric Hunter, MD

The veins around the gluteal muscles are very thin and easily broken. When fat is injected near them, fat can enter the blood stream and get to the lungs causing fat embolus syndrome which can be lethal.
I am sorry, I do not do this procedure and cannot answer your question. However, there are procedures that are effective for lifting sagging buttocks. Check with a plastic surgeon.