Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Will I get better after feeling worse?

I have Bipolar Disorder 2 and am taking lamictal as treatment. I had been off of them for a while due to complications with my insurance, therapist, etc. I've started taking it again as of last week, but I'm noticing my mood changes are worse and more extreme. During the day, I'm angry and impulsive, but after a couple minutes, I'm sobbing. This is also my first time taking my mood stabilizer without an antidepressant. (Zoloft gave me extreme anxiety. I was prescribed it because I was originally diagnosed with depression). I just want to know if taking my medication will make me feel worse before I feel better and adjust to it or is it likely to stay this way?

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 5 days
Medications: Lamictal
Conditions: BiPD 2

3 Answers


This is not my specialty – I am a psychologist, not a psychiatrist. If you were my therapy patient, I would make sure you see a psychiatrist to reset your medication safely. I know that Lamictal is used in bipolar disorder to treat the kind of bipolar that features mostly depression. Sometimes it is used without an anti-depressant. Please seek MEDICAL advice about this. No one should have to feel so miserable!


Dr. Marian Shapiro
It will be important to ask this question of the provider who is prescribing and supervising your treatment.  
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