Anesthesiologist Questions Anesthesiologist

Will I get general anesthesia for an endoscopy?

I will have an endoscopy. Will I get general anesthesia for an endoscopy?

6 Answers

Yes you do but there are very different types of medications used so they are not necessarily the same as those for a larger surgery because endoscopy usually takes no more than 30 minutes
No ,only moderate sedation
You will likely get deep sedation
Most upper and lower endoscopies are performed with intravenous sedation
with monitored anesthesia care and not general anesthesia.
Got this from this website that clearly explains what to expect before your endoscopy I care for patients after the procedure when they return to the inpatient unit

This information was copied from:
Sedation is a state of sleepiness that happens when you receive medication before a procedure to help you rest and relax. Sedation relieves or avoids discomfort. For example, the gas used to inflate your stomach and intestines may cause a stretching feeling.
The depth of your sleepiness depends on the type and dose of medications given through a vein. There are two main types of sedation used for gastrointestinal procedures-conscious sedation and deep sedation.
The term “conscious sedation,” also known as moderate sedation, is a type of sedation. You will be drowsy and forgetful but can still follow simple
instructions while asleep.
Some patients may require or request “deep sedation” that puts them more deeply asleep. A medication called propofol is typically used. At very high doses, it can achieve “general anesthesia” as used in surgeries.
Deep sedation requires closer patient monitoring during endoscopy. In many places, its use requires anesthesia personnel and may involve additional patient costs through insurance.
You may also consider not having sedation for your endoscopy. You would be awake during your procedure and able to observe the procedure as it occurs but may feel some discomfort. If interested, you should discuss it with staff or your doctor before the endoscopy and on the day of the endoscopy.
Sedation also requires you to not eat or drink for some time before the procedure. Usually, no liquids for at least 2 hours before you start your procedure and no solid foods for at least 8 hours before your procedure starts. Eating or drinking too soon to your procedure can result in delays to your procedure. Go over the instructions from your doctor.
No, most endoscopies are done with IV sedation only, not general anesthesia