Councelor/Therapist Questions Anger Management

What is the best way to manage anger?

My husband loses his temper a lot and sometimes can become violent (He's never violent toward me or my children, but he does throw thing around the house when he's to that point). What can we do to manage his anger?

1 Answer


Thanks for your question. Your husband can learn to manage his anger by first identifying the feeling and the factors that contribute to him feeling that way. Then he can learn healthy coping skills to use instead of throwing or breaking items in the house. Coping skills can include going for a walk, listening to music, writing/journaling, calling a friend or talking to someone about the situation, taking deep breaths, playing with a pet, etc. He may want to seek supportive therapy if he is having continued difficulty managing his anger, which could help him understand underlying causes of the anger and develop more adaptive ways of dealing with his feelings that doesn't involve being violent. Hope this helps!


Jenna Torres, PsyD