Pulmonologist (Pediatric) Questions Asthma

My son is having breathing issues after exercising. What could be wrong?

My son is 8 years old, and yesterday after running around, he was wheezing so badly that I had to take him to the pediatrician to help him. They gave him a nebulizer treatment, but they also said that he may be showing signs of asthma. Is this true?

3 Answers

Could be exercise-induced bronchospasm, which we treat with an asthma inhaler pre. Deconditioning might play a role.
This can be one of the manifestations of asthma. However, I would recommend talking to your Pediatrician initially in detail about this. Pediatricians are excellent at the initial evaluations and are usually prompt in referring patients to a specialist, should they deem this necessary.
He might have uncontrolled asthma. He will need to have a spirometry with exercise challenge for best diagnosis. Contact your pediatrician for help.