Neurologist Questions Stroke

My friend recently died of a stroke, could it have been prevented?

My friend died of a severe stroke and it left us all extremely shocked since he led a pretty healthy lifestyle. In how many hours of getting the stroke should he have been admitted to the hospital? And, what are the factor that can prevent a stroke from happening?

3 Answers

The answers depend on his age and medical problems. About 80% of strokes come without any warning. Usually patients with stroke are admitted to the hospital. However current guidelines are to try and remove the clot if the stroke occurred within the previous 5 hours & it was due to a clot and not a hemorrhage. Things are starting to get better and some stroke centers will try and remove the clot up to 24 hours. It will be easier to prevent future strokes now that the problem has declared itself. Good Luck!
I really do not have enough information to answer your inquiry, however, allow me to offer some hopefully illuminating information regarding strokes. There are three basic causes of stroke-hemorrhage, emboli, and ischemia. Hemorrhagic strokes may be caused by severe hypertension or by rupture of an aneurysm. The latter are with an individual from birth and may hemorrhage at any age, including in people in their twenties. They rupture without warning and are often fatal, taking life at times before the patient presents to hospital. Embolic strokes are sometimes associated with atrial fibrillation or heart valvular disease, and ischemic strokes are caused by a blockage in arterial circulation. The latter we believe is often caused by chronic hyperlipidemia as well as chronic elevations in blood glucose as well as chronic hypertension. For the vast majority of stroke victims, the presenting symptom of a stroke is...stroke.
There are many risk factors for strokes and age is one of them that could lead you to what specific risk factors you could search for. If you suspect someone is having an acute stroke, you need to call 911 so the person would receive the best care.