Optometrist Questions Blurry vision

Do computer screens worsen one's eyesight?

I'm 30 years old, and I've had an office job for the past 8 years, right out of college. I noticed that my vision is going though and I never needed glasses before. Is it possible that this is from looking at a computer screen almost constantly? How can I prevent vision loss?

7 Answers

Using your eyes does not cause vision loss. You can, however, develop eye strain. Best to routinely rest your eyes or look in the distance to defocus your eyes periodically...and of course undergo early examinations by your ophthalmologist to check your eye health.
Computer screens don't cause visual pathology. You should, however, refrain from using computer screens after 8PM or make sure you have a blue light filter on (and this goes for your cellphone as well) since blue light disrupts circadian rhythms and can lead to poor sleep.
The best way to mitigate damage to your eyes is to begin with a comprehensive vision and eye health evaluation and then seek specific recommendations from the eye care professional who supervised and conducted your examinations and evaluation.

Howard R Krauss MD
Wear computer glasses for seeing better if you have a prescription. Also, try glasses with blue filter, they help eliminate the stress caused by looking at a computer for a long period of time.
Yes, it's possible that excessive near work can cause a myopic shift to your prescription. This is not just computer screens, but excessive reading as well. The best thing to do is to take a break every two hours for 10-15 minutes if possible. Go to the bathroom or walk around, get some water. Computer use can also dry your eyes out from decreased blinking. The frequent break from staring at the screen will also help with this problem.

See an ophthalmologist for a review. Ocular and optical changes may have occurred and require help.