Orthopedist Questions Hip Replacement

How long does a hip replacement take to heal?

My mother underwent a hip replacement surgery 3 months back. While she is able to walk, she still limps and it doesn’t feel perfectly alright. What is the ideal time required for a hip replacement to heal?

9 Answers

Everyone is different, and every surgical approach is different. In general , most people are doing what they want to do by 6 to 8 weeks with an approved therapy program. But I tell everyone that it takes a minimum of 6 months to "forget you did it." I have seen it take up to two years depending on the individual patient and I have also seen people discard their walker in the first week and start playing golf in 3 weeks.
She should be pain free by now. The limp is probably due to muscle weakness, which should improve over the next 3-6 mths. If the pain persists for another month, get the surgeon to check her out. It probably is just a tendonitis, nothing serious.
Full recovery from a joint replacement can take several month or even a year, but it is best to discuss this with her operative surgeon as there may be details of the procedure which would help with understanding the recovery.
Depending on the muscle strength of the individual patient, it may take 6 months to a year to completely heal.
That's difficult to answer. It may take up to a year though.
Average of six weeks is okay.
There a several types of surgeries to place a hip replacement. Depending on the surgical approach to the hip, the amount of muscle that is disrupted and the type of iimplant used, the typical hip replacement should be healed by 3 months. Limping may be a sign of muscular weakness that needs to be addressed.
By now she should be feeling much better, however the replaced hip may never feel normal. If the limp is severe, new X-rays may be indicated to evaluate the leg length or possible loosening.
Lots of variables; age , health; recommend you have a talk with your surgeon.