Surgeon Questions surgeon

How can I recover from surgery faster?

I am a 46 year old male and I will have bladder surgery. How can I recover from surgery faster?

4 Answers

Take multivitamins to optimize your body's innate reapir system. Consult Functional Medicine to check Vitamin deficiency, micronutrient deficiency or borderline anemia.
Nutritional supplementation prior to surgery with the vitamin B complex, multivitamin and vitamin C will help increase your speed to healing.
You need a catheter and time is all
Stay hydrated the night before surgery and drink a fair amount of Gatorade all the way up until midnight. Also no Illegal drugs or alcohol for one week before surgery. Also, make sure you keep a good weight and exercise prior to your surgery. Get a good night sleep the night before surgery. Do not use narcotics after surgery and try to use nonsteroidals and bladder spasm medicine. Narcotics have a tendency to slow your bowels down and depress your immune system. Use the first night and then tapper off quickly. Ask your anesthesiologist if they can perform a tap block preoperatively after you are under anesthesia to help numb your abdominal muscles so they don’t hurt when you wake up. That way you won’t use as many narcotics. And if you are a smoker, no smoking one month before surgery, which will help you not get pneumonia afterwards. After surgery, mobilize the best you can and not lay in bed or in a chair for prolonged periods of time. This will prevent you from getting blood clots.

Dr. Niko Lailas