Dentist Questions Plaque, Dental

How can I stop plaque build-up?

I'm 19 years old and I have a build-up of plaque. What can I do to stop it?

4 Answers

Flossing daily and brushing after each meal and before bedtime are the best ways to fight plaque buildup.
The answer in most cases is very simple. Brush thoroughly at least twice a day making sure that the bristles of the soft brush are angled at 45 degrees toward the gums and use dental floss every day. Then make sure you visit your dentist on a regular basis and get a professional cleaning.

Scott M. Dubowsky, DMD
Plaque is nothing more than a film of bacteria on your teeth. Plaque grows the fastest when fed sugar. Lots of things are sugar. Corn syrup, fructose, and many, many similar things are sugar. Read the ingredients label to avoid sugar before buying any food. The book GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC, has an entire page listing many sugars. Read that page so you can make intelligent choices when reading ingredients labels. It also has detailed brushing and flossing instructions.
I applaud you for wanting to decrease your plaque. Everyone has it. That is why we brush and floss frequently. It sounds like you are aware that excess plaque is responsible for decay and gum disease. It also contributes to bad breath.
A short answer to your question is: eat less sugar, and brush and floss often.
Plaque is a combination of protein found naturally in saliva and sugar which comes from any carbohydrates. To lessen plaque, you need to lessen carbohydrate consumption, especially between meals. Snack on vegetables, meat, fish, or eggs.