Dentist Questions Dentist

How do they fix tooth erosion at the gum line?

I am a 40 year old male. I want to know how do they fix tooth erosion at the gum line?

5 Answers

Bonding can be done. Brushing habit can be changed.
Very easy. Fill out the defect with tooth color composite material.
Tooth erosion at the gum line can be caused by acid testing too long along the gum/tooth junction. This can come from any acidic or sweetened drink and from acid reflux. Things that cause gum recession can also cause the roots to be exposed making them more prone to erosion. This can be things such as breathing through your mouth at night, imbalances in the distribution of forces on the teeth/ligaments, grinding and clenching. So in answer to your question a change in diet, adjustments in sleep/sleep appliances/night guards, occlusal adjustments, regular cleanings and good home care can all help halt the progress of the acid erosion. A periodontist can place gum grafts to cover the acid erosion and a dentist can place fillings to repair the lost enamel.
You can't do that by yourself. Either the dentist can bond the area or you may need a gingival graft there. Depends on how bad the recession is.
Depends on the cause…we can do bonding, similar to fillings, but if the erosion is caused by gum recession then that would need to be addressed. The dentist will determine the cause and how best to address it.

Jim Kline