Dentist Questions Toothaches

How do you relieve severe tooth pain?

I'm 32 years old, and I have a severe toothache that hasn't gone away at all. Not even with ibuprofen. I've had this toothache for the past two days. What can I do to relieve this severe pain?

6 Answers

Visit your dentist.
3 or 4 ibuprofen and 100mg Tylenol at the same time every 4 to 6 hrs should give you some TEMPORARY relief. YOU MUST SEE A DENTIST ASAP. If you have an infection, the pain medications will not help very much and you will need an antibiotic plus additional treatments. DO NOT DELAY. THIS COULD BE VERY SERIOUS.

Best regards,

David M. Kaffey, DDS
If the painkillers are not working, then the tooth can be infected or you have a cavity that is irritating your dentin. Please go see your dentist so they can take X-rays and discuss the best course of action to help you get out of this pain asap.
See a dentist immediately. There are a lot of things that can be causing it:

1) Infection
2) Cracked tooth
3) Decay
4) Sinus issues
5) Bite is off

A dentist can diagnose the causes and make treatment recommendations to suit your desires and your budget. Finally, if you have difficulty swallowing or breathing, go to the emergency room immediately. A compromised airway is life-threatening.

Would recommend that you see a dentist so they can evaluate which tooth is bothering you and also take an X-ray of the area.
Usually, you go to a dentist and start on antibiotics. But if you don’t have access or the money, there are some other home remedies like 2 ibuprofen and 1 500mg Tylenol that act as a low dose pain med... if your doctor says you are able to take both of those pills. Also, there had been some research with that oil pulling, swishing with coconut, olive or sesame oil in the mouth for 20 minutes can relieve a toothache.