Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

How do you treat eye irritation from contacts?

I am a 29 year old female. I want to know how do you treat eye irritation from contacts?

5 Answers

Contact lens eye irritation can be avoided if lenses are cleaned properly and replaced in the time instructed by your eye doctor. It is also important to avoid sleeping with your lenses on given that this can exacerbate eye irritation. If you are experiencing dryness and irritation symptoms, artificial tears and lubricating eye drops can provide relief. If you are experiencing pain and/or decreased vision it is important to visit your eye doctor to rule out infection.
Keep contacts out and see an ophthalmologist immediately for diagnosis and treatment.
Contacts should not cause eye irritation if they are fitted properly. Check with the person who prescribed them with your issues. Uncomfortable contacts can be the early warning of problems that can cause serious loss of vision.
Dont use contacts for the next months, use antibiotics
It depends on the cause of the irritation - is the contact lens fit, cleaning solution, condition of contact, allergies, infections, over wear, etc. You need to be examined by prescribing eye care professional to determine the exact cause.