Anesthesiologist Questions Local Anesthesia

How long after an anesthetic can I drive?

I need to have a surgery under local anesthesia in the next week and I'm trying to plan for after it's done. How long after an anesthetic can I drive?

2 Answers

Two points arise here. When a procedure is done “ under local” that usually means no anesthetic or sedation is involved. However, if you are getting certain blocks or surgical procedures, it may still be unsafe to drive afterwards, so I recommend asking the provider this question.

From Christopher Creighton
Anesthesiologists don’t do local anesthesia so you have to check with the surgeon about their policies regarding these issues.If we are involved you can’t drive the same day and someone have to accompany you home and be with you 24 hours.Driving really depends on type of surgery but if it doesn’t require narcotic pain medication than you can drive next day depending on how you feel.