Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

How long does it take to recover from ear lobe plastic surgery?

I am a 33 year old female. I will have ear lobe surgery. How long does it take to recover from ear lobe plastic surgery?

4 Answers

Usually one week for the suture removal and then about 4-6 more weeks for final healing.
Dear Patient,

The standard healing time is approximately 7 days. However, it is 4-6 weeks before the repaired earlobe may be repierced.


Dr. Walker
Earlobe surgery is a fairly benign procedure performed in the office under local anesthesia. I allow my patients to return to work the same day or certainly the next day afterwards. Confirm my advice with your plastic surgeon performing the procedure. Good luck.
Depends on the surgery. Most minor surgery on the ear lobes with heal nicely in a week or so. You be able to go back to day to day activities almost immediately.