Doctor Questions Fitness

How long should I exercise if I want to lose weight?

I'm trying to lose weight right now, and I think the best way to do this is by turning my life around--like exercising and dieting. Mainly exercising. I want to lose 30 lbs by the end of next month. Do you think this goal is obtainable? I'm a 45 year old woman and weigh 180 lbs. I'm also 5'6. Also how long should I exercise for?

2 Answers

Thirty pounds in 1 month is not a healthy goal. Weight loss is a struggle for so many people! One of the best ways to approach changing your eating habits is to analyze your eating patterns. Get an app to track your food and water intake. Sometimes we think we are eating healthy but when we look at our habits, we realize we are eating too many snacks, carbs or high fat foods.
Pick a goal and stick with it for the first 1-2 weeks. Each week add another goal until you are making lifestyle changes that you can live with.
Some of the things you need to think about are:
1. Daily water intake - about 1/2 oz for every pound you weigh - I wouldn't go over 1 gallon a day.
2. Your plate should be about 1/2 fresh fruits and vegetable, 1/4 protein and 1/4 carbs - avoid starchy and sugary carbs.
3. Your daily intake should be about 500 calories less than your activity level.
4. Avoid eating after 7 pm, Don't go to bed with a full belly!
5. Exercise - enjoy your exercise routine. Tailor your routine to your abilities. You might have to start with short routines and light stretching. As you build strength and endurance you can increase your time and intensity.
6. Avoid processed foods. Our bodies are genetically wired to eat foods from the Earth. Fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, lean meat, chicken and fish, and whole grains. Add some calcium containing foods also. Low fat yogurt, milk, cheese.
A healthy, sustainable weight loss goal is 1-2 pounds per week; therefore, 30 lbs in a month or less than 15 to 30 weeks is not healthy unless under a physician's direct supervision.