Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

How should you sleep if you have scoliosis?

I am an 18 year old male who has scoliosis. How should you sleep if you have scoliosis?

10 Answers

Face-up with a good supporting mattress and pillow will likely be your best position.
Scoliosis in and of itself is not always painful or limiting in anyway except in severe cases. The real challenge comes with the idea of living with and maintaining scoliosis as if it has to be a life long issue. We have seen hundreds of cases over the years correct their spinal curvatures with out awkward braces and harmful invasive surgeries.
So specific sleeping recommendations I am unable to give with out having a thorough consultation and evaluation. At Rhino Chiropractic we recommend specific solutions that improve patients spinal alignment and over health reducing the effects of scoliosis to the nervous system.
Give a great Chiropractor a try and start sleeping and living a healthier life free from subluxations(spinal misalignments).
On your sides with body long pillows for support and a knee pillow › sleep-tips-for-scoliosis
Try this site, has some good info and get adjusted!
I’m not sure if there is a correct way to sleep when you have scoliosis. Most people sleep best on there side with a pillow between there legs. I would try to find the most comfortable position.
On the convex side.
Have you been evaluated by a local Doctor of Chiropractic? If not that is where you start. No Scoliosis is the same as another. It is important that you have a profession do an evaluation.
This question is a hard question to answer because i do not know how severe your scoliosis is. Scoliotic curves are measured by Cobb angles. Depending on the severity of the scoliosis your sleeping position may not matter or have a minimal effect.

It's always best to sleep on your back with a well supported pillow under the neck. Side sleeping is the next best option, but it depends where the scoliosis is located and what type of scoliosis it is for when you sleep on your sides.
The most comfortable position for you is the one you should use.