Dentist Questions Dental Cleaning

What is the importance of using dental floss?

I brush my teeth about 3 times everyday. Do I still need to floss?

32 Answers

Teeth need to be cleaned 360 degrees around every tooth at least once a day.
Bacteria between teeth can cause dental decay between the teeth, gum disease, bone loss, and foul odor among other things.
Do yourself and other around your a favor. Clean 360 degrees around every tooth at least once every day.
You need to floss to take care of all the stuff that gets stuck in between your teeth. The tooth has 5 surfaces. Toothbrushing takes care of cleaning 3 surfaces and flossing takes care of cleaning the other 2 surfaces.
Floss removes the Plaque from in between the teeth where the brush can't go
Yes, you certainly do. Floss is another tool, in addition to your toothbrush, to enable complete plaque removal which is the main goal of good and proper oral hygiene. You may brush your teeth 3 times a day, but without flossing, you don't remove plaque from 20% to 50% of tooth surfaces.
It will not get everything between the teeth around the gums. I recommend flossing but I have seen really good brushes get away with not flossing.
Brushing does not remove the food and bacteria between your teeth. Failing to floss will lead to tooth decay and periodontal disease. Floss only the teeth you want to keep.

In between teeth is favorite site to initiate cavities and gingivitis.

Floss every night before going to bed.
Absolutely floss! Brushing doesn’t clean the area between the teeth very well and definitely not at the contact area where most cavities start. For your own well being, FLOSS.
Yes you still need to floss daily. Flossing actually gets in between the tooth where a toothbrush can't reach. Flossing stimulates the gums and creates a healthier mouth.
Yes. Floss reaches the 2 surfaces of the teeth which brushing can not reach. If you are not flossing you are missing about 12 of your tooth which will lead to cavities in the long run.
The best way to clean between teeth is with dental floss. Brushing your teeth protects the outside surfaces of your teeth that the brush can touch, but does not help between teeth. Therefore, you should floss at least once per day.

Floss cleans between the teeth where the brush will not reach. You would be far better off brushing AND flossing once daily than brushing three times daily and not flossing.
It allows the patient to properly clean in between the teeth that by brushing is not enough for proper cleaning it also reduces chance of gum disease and proximal cavities

Brushing only cleans 3 of the 5 surfaces. Flossing cleans the other 2. Would you only clean 3 sides of your new car?
The importance of stonefalls is pivotal in maintaining good parodontal health which relates to the longevity of the supporting tissues of the teeth themselves. Brushing alone cannot reach the depths of the pockets where bacteria May accumulate chronically and cause damage to the supporting structures and causing premature loss of teeth
Yes, flossing is important to do on a daily basis as this cleans the areas between your teeth where a brush cannot reach. Not flossing leads to interproximal decay (cavities between your teeth). We have a saying in our office, "Floss only the teeth that you want to keep."
Yes you still have to floss even though you brush as often as you do. (Bravo to you for doing that!) However, to answer your question, the reason flossing is important is because by doing this step, you are actually are removing food particles and loose plaque between your teeth, allowing your brush that should be the second step in your hygiene routine to actually do its job - truly cleaning your teeth and not moving the food around in your mouth with your brush. FYI, you should also clean your tongue. In this case, don’t use your toothbrush since the bristles of your brush bend and will redeposit the tongue plaque. Rather, use a metal instrument which can be sanitized by placing it in the dishwasher. We like the Yango because it carries a lifetime guarantee and can be placed in the dishwasher.
Flossing at least once daily is still important regardless of how much or how effectively you brush - it cleans areas between the teeth that a toothbrush cannot effectively reach. Removing plaque and food particles in these areas is important for preventing cavities and maintaining healthy gums.
Floss breaks up calculus formation between the teeth. The brush cannot do this. You should floss once or twice a day.
Yes, because the floss gets plaque bacteria between the teeth, which a toothbrush can't reach.
I always advise flossing daily to remove plaque in between teeth that brushing alone cannot get out.
Yes, because no matter how well you brush, your toothbrush is incapable of reaching the areas between the teeth, to properly clean trapped food and plaque.
Flossing is very important, it helps to clean surfaces that are in between the teeth, and therefore help to reduce decay and gum disease risks.
Brushing your teeth is only part of keeping a clean and healthy mouth. Flossing removes all of the food and bacteria that accumulate in between your teeth. Not flossing is like washing a window but skipping the edges. It will look clean for the most part, but still has a layer of dirt that hasn’t been cleaned.
Yes, floss is to disrupt the bacteria exsisting between the teeth and food impacted there which if left will cause food fermentation with bad breath and decay
Yes, flossing removes plaque between teeth and gums that your toothbrush cannot reach. I recommend flossing once per day.
Dental floss allows you to clean between the teeth where the brush cannot reach.
Brushing is a great start but can't reach many areas between your teeth. Flossing is the best way to clean between teeth where many cavities start and where gum disease begins. It takes practice but reaps many rewards and can help prevent oral bacteria from getting to your heart!

Yes, you have to floss your teeth twice a day. Most important is flossing before bedtime. Unfortunately, a toothbrush cannot clean between teeth.

Yes, you need your flossing at least once a day. Floss will take care of inter-proximal plague accumulations.
Yes, flossing is still very important. Brushing alone does not completely clean in between the teeth, where food particles can become stuck, causing tooth decay.
Flossing is essential for healthy gums. The toothbrush simply cannot clean between the teeth.