Dentist Questions Dentist

Is lemon water bad for your teeth?

I am a 24 year old female and I drink lemon water every day. Is lemon water bad for your teeth?

13 Answers

Any food or drink containing citric acid might cause enamel erosion. It will be wise to rinse your mouth with water right after drinking lemon water to lower the acidity and increase the alkaline of your oral cavity.
Chronic exposure to acids on your teeth is not healthy. Over time, this will potentially cause sensitivity, enamel erosion, and cavities. What has your dentist told you?
Yes. Lemons are acidic and acid will wear down the enamel(white part) of the teeth. I have many patients who like to drink lemon water for various reasons- some for digestion others because they prefer the refreshing lemon taste. Just be careful of the amount and you may balance it out by using a baking soda based toothpaste such as Arm & Hammer toothpaste in the mornings and evenings. Chewing a Xylitol based gum after drinking the water can help as well. Try to drink the lemon water with your meal, not throughout the day - as prolonged acid exposure is worse.
Yes, can be if used a lot
Lemon water will not hurt your teeth...Sucking on lemons will thin the enamel after doing it for a while. Stay healthy and drink your lemon water..
Yes. Lemon is very acidic. Drinking lemon water daily can soften are dissolve the enamel layer of your teeth. Xylitol ( can neutralize the acid and help the enamel remineralize.

Robert M. Hersh, DMD

Lemons contain citric acid. Anything that is acidic is bad for your teeth since it causes demineralization of the teeth. That means you lose the minerals from the surfaces of your teeth.
It can be depending on the concentration. Since it is citric acid, it can affect tooth enamel. It used to be fashionable to suck on lemon quarters, but the acid ate the enamel from the upper front teeth over time.
Yes. The citric acid dissolves tooth structure

Lemon water is fine for your teeth. Straight lemon on the teeth is not good. The citric acid can etch your teeth and make them more susceptible to cavities. Just make sure you have a high water to lemon ratio and you will be fine.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, however, lemon water is bad for your teeth. Lemon water contains citrus acid, which demineralizes your enamel. This really becomes bad for your teeth when you stretch it out versus drinking it right away. It is also bad for your teeth to make it a habit, for example, daily.
Hope this helps. Sorry for the bad news.

My best to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD