Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Is using eye drops every day bad for you?

I am a 33 year old female and I use eye drops almost every day. Is using eye drops every day bad for you?

9 Answers

Depends on what kind of drops; but if we are dealing with artificial tears...no problem
It would of course depend on what type of drops and the reason you are taking them. If they are for documented elevated eye pressure, for inflammation, or other prescribed reasons, then yes, it is not only okay, but necessary. If they are for dry eye or allergy, sometimes they are needed multiple times each day. Your EyeMD would be best to help you determine the proper regimen for your individual case.
First, eye doctors always welcome hydrating the eyes. However, eye doctors are also interested with any recent onset symptoms of irritation, redness or pain prompting a patient to consider an over the counter eye drop. So assuming drops are not being used to mask an underlying health problem, we welcome daily use of the correct type of drops.

The correct type of drops are never drops that indicate they ‘get the red out’, as these can become both addictive and problematic with long term use. I personally recommend to my patients Refresh or Systane products up to four times per day. Any more than four times per day should most definitely prompt an eye evaluation to determine why a patient feels the need to exceed this dosing. If greater than four times per is indicated, it would often require a non-preserved formula. Refresh makes a great non-preserved formula, Refresh Plus.
No. Lubricating eye drops are safe. Make sure it is not a “get the red out” drop though. (Your eyes get addicted to all of them except Lumify, which has a different active ingredient)
It really depends what the drop is and what it is used for. Was it prescribed by your doctor? I would only use what was recommended or prescribed by a doctor, otherwise, yes, it could be detrimental to your eyes.
No, not if they are moisturizing drops. They are comfortable, and they are clean (used before expiration).

Depends. If artificial tears, no. If not helping, see an eye care professional to try other treatments.
Nothing should be used for a long period unless recommended by your physician
It's okay if it's just artificial eye drops. Others may be dangerous if used not according to instructions.