Radiologist Questions Ct Scan

What do I need to know before getting a CT scan?

I am scheduled to get a CT scan on Friday. Is there anything I need to do to prepare for this?

6 Answers

Not really.
You may need to be NPO, or drink contrast for 2 hours prior. If there is contrast ordered, you will need to make sure your kidneys are normal and tell about any contrast reactions in the past.
You should contact the facility where it is to be done. Sometimes you may be asked to drink contrast before the ct scan.
There is nothing you need to do unless you are having a CT colonoscopy. However, you would have already been given instructions for cleanout and prep for that.
Don't eat for 2 hours prior to CT scan.
If it’s an abdominal scan bowel preparation is required. Scans done mostly in fasting state. You need to tell the Radiologist/Technician if you are allergic to any drug/foodstuff etc as the IV contrast given during the course of a CT examination can cause anaphylactic reaction