Neurologist Questions Neurologist

My stenosis is crippling my legs; is laminectomy the solution?

I've already had spinal fusion L4l5; THAT didn't last long; my legs are numb and in pain and I can't walk more than 5 feet; this is crippling me and I don't want another fusion; I need advice.

Female | 58 years old
Complaint duration: 10 years
Medications: synthroid
Conditions: thyroid

4 Answers

Very sorry to hear about your walking difficulties, but if your symptoms are due to physical pressure on a nerve root or the spinal cord, surgery is the only cure. 
Take care.
Please consult with a neurologist. You need a neurological evaluation to include MRI of the lumbar spine and EMG of the lower extremities following which you will receive further instructions from the neurologist.
That would be the next step, if you have exhausted conservative measures. A good surgeon would insist that conservative measures are exhausted (injections-stimulators etc...) and would evaluate the benefits of decompressive laminectomy. Ask around for a reputable neurosurgeon or spine surgeon.
If you have been through that procedure already and found little relief, you might need spinal decompression. Fusion may not relieve the compression of nerve roots whereas decompression will do. I suggest you see a spine surgeon that specializes in such. Orthopedic or neurosurgeon. Today's technological advances allow for minimal invasive surgery with shortened hospitalization and great success. Make sure the surgeon has a lot of experience in such a procedure.