Preventative Medicine Specialist Questions Chain smoking

I have been a chain smoker for 20 years and I have recently quit. How can I prevent lung diseases?

I am 34 years old and I was a chain smoker for 14 years and I had recently quit. While I understand there is damage done already, how can I prevent my lungs from deteriorating further?

4 Answers

Patient, No matter how long you have smoked, each day with reduced or no smoking helps tremendously.
The longer you avoid smoking the better chances for your lungs to improve
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The Natural Killer (NK) cells of your immune system are the cells that find & kill cancer cells before they can turn into tumors. They work best under the conditions that make all cells work best. Eat a minimum of 2/3 vegetables at every meal to maximize micro-nutrients. Take a pharmaceutical grade nutriceutical multivitamin, fish oil & probiotic. Exercize 1 hour daily (turns on approximately 400 healthy genes). And most of all as per Dr. Michael Hollick, MD take up to 15,000 IU of vitamin D (make sure it has vitamin K2 with it). If you have frequent UTIs or kidney stones take less. Vitamin D has profound effects on your immune system increasing the function of your NK cells and killing early cancer. There are also NK cell activator supplements you can add after the vitamin D. 15,000 IU of vitamin D will not cause vitamin D toxicity according to Dr. Hollick.
You have done the most important thing to prevent lung diseases, quit Smoking. Congratulations!! So, to keep your lungs in shape, exercise at least 150 minutes a week and avoid second-hand smoke. Using your lung by exercising is the best way to prevent problems.

Check out this link form the Center for Disease Control on all the benefits you have from quitting smoking: