Chiropractor Questions Hip Pain

My mother in law has severe pain in her hips. Can a chiropractor help?

My mother in law is 72 years old and is suffering from severe pain in her hips. Do you think a chiropractor could be of some help or is she too old?

17 Answers

As a chiropractor who specializes in addressing pain in the lower back and hips by focusing on dural tension with the tonal model of chiropractic, I want to assure you that age is not a barrier to seeking chiropractic care. I understand that your mother-in-law is experiencing severe hip pain, and you're wondering if a chiropractor can provide assistance. I'm here to provide you with information and reassurance regarding her situation.

First, let's discuss the potential causes of her hip pain. One possibility is radiculopathy, which occurs when the nerves in the spine become compressed or irritated. This can lead to pain radiating from the lower back down into the hips. Think of these nerves as electrical wires that transmit signals throughout the body. If there's interference or pressure on these wires, it can result in pain or discomfort.

Additionally, it's important to consider dermatomes, which are specific areas of the skin that are innervated by a single spinal nerve. When there is tension or compression on a particular nerve root, it can affect the corresponding dermatome and lead to pain or other sensations in that area. Understanding this can help us pinpoint the source of your mother-in-law's pain and develop a targeted treatment approach.

Now, let's explore the potential therapies that may assist in alleviating her hip pain. In addition to chiropractic adjustments that aim to reduce dural tension and improve overall nervous system function, there are other modalities that can be beneficial, including acupuncture, red light therapy, and nutrition.

Acupuncture involves the gentle insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body to help restore balance and reduce pain and inflammation.

Red light therapy utilizes low-level laser or LED light to stimulate cellular activity and promote healing. By targeting the hip region with red light therapy, we aim to reduce inflammation and support the body's natural recovery processes.

Incorporating proper nutrition into your mother-in-law's daily routine is also crucial for managing pain and promoting overall well-being. A diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 fatty acids, may help reduce inflammation and support tissue healing.

It's important to remember that chiropractic care is suitable for individuals of all ages. Regardless of whether your mother-in-law is 72 years old or younger, chiropractic adjustments can be modified to meet her specific needs and comfort level. Chiropractors are trained to provide safe and effective care for individuals of all ages, ensuring a gentle approach that respects her unique circumstances.

I encourage you to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor who specializes in addressing lower back and hip pain. They will conduct a thorough examination, assess your mother-in-law's condition, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to her needs. Through chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, red light therapy, and nutritional guidance, you can work together to alleviate her hip pain and improve her quality of life.

Please reassure your mother-in-law that seeking chiropractic care is a viable option, regardless of her age. Chiropractors are experienced in providing compassionate and individualized care to patients of all ages, ensuring that her specific needs are met.

Rest assured that we will provide the necessary support and guidance throughout her healing journey. Together, we will work towards relieving her hip pain and helping her regain her mobility and overall well-being.
One can never be too old to benefit from chiropractic treatment. Having said that, a detailed history and examination are a must before treatment recommendations are made.
Chiropractic can help with her hip pain and she is not too old to start Chiropractic.
She is not old for chiropractic care. It can be done to anyone even babies get chiropractic treatments. My youngest patient was 2 year old and my oldest was 98.
I think it might help. The chiropractor will make a full exam to see if the chiropractic treatment is indicated and what techniques are indicated. If she has severed osteoarthritis of the hips, she might need hip replacement and an orthopedic doctor will need to see her. Again, after the exam you will know if chiropractics will help for her hips.
At age 72, there may be osteoarthritis of the hip joints. A simple flat plate x - ray would tell us this. If the hip joints are normal, then the hip pain is most likely coming from the lumbo-sacral joint, or a basic pelvic distortion pattern. These bio-mechanical problems could be 100% the cause of the hip pain, and are fixable with specific scientific gonstead adjustment.
Yes, never too old.
Nobody is too old for chiropractic care! There are gentle and effective treatments to help restore balance, stability and pain relief for your mother-in-law. Good luck to you both!
I do believe that she can get relief through chiropractic treatment.
As we age, posture, or lack there of, take a toll on our bodies. I am assuming that a chiropractor would not be able to help with the hunching of her back. However, one could assist in any unwanted symptoms that may be arising due to the hunching as well as help to deter any increased hunching of her back.
It depends on what is going on in her hips and how advanced it is. Spinal alignment always helps overall biomechanics. However, in her case, she may need a proper assessment before making a sweeping statement of what will help her.
Chiropractic can definitely help her. No one is too old or too young to get into better health.
A chiropractor that specializes in extremity adjustment and rehabilitation could most certainly be helpful.

You are never too old or too young to go to a chiropractor. There are gentle adjusting techniques that can be used as well. But what I would suggest is that if you do go to one, have them take X-rays. If she’s got recent X-rays, that would be good, too. But I only say that just so the doctor can get a good look at the bone structure. But my short answer is, yes, your mother-in-law can go.

Dr. Gayle N. Heyer, DC
At 72 years old, X-rays are the first step to investigate to see levels of osteoarthritis and/or osteoporosis. Then, a better answer to your question will be appropriate. Balance of hips and spine are important, but I would look for a non-forceful practitioner using SOT blocks or drop table techniques.

Hope I was of help. Got your back!

Dr. Todd Gewant
It is a possibility Chiropractic care can help. A proper exam would be required to better answer that question.
An examination and X-Rays are needed to see if chiropractic could help!