Orthodontist Questions Braces, Oral

Teeth still moving post having worn retainer for a year (not consistently)

I had braces at the age of 21 for a duration of 1.5 years to correct a gap between upper two teeth (front) and push back my lower jaw. They left me with a removable retainer for upper teeth and fixed one for the lower teeth. Presently I notice a gap formation in my lower set and if I stop wearing my retainer then my upper sets develops a gap too (it's been a year since my braces were removed)

Female | 23 years old

10 Answers

Retainers are very important to prevent relapse after adult orthodontics. If they are not worn consistently every day, then your teeth will move back where they were before treatment.
Some need consistent nightly wear for years or they will have movement. Usually, if the retainers fit properly, you can increase wear for a time to regain proper tooth position once again. Meaning, full time wear for a number of weeks. Ask your orthodontist
Hate to be the first to say it, but retainers are for life. Clenching and grinding of teeth (Parafunction/Bruxing) are the most likely means by which teeth continue to "move" out of the orthodontic position.
Possibly your bite is not balanced. You need your retainer for almost the rest of your life.
1 to 3 of the reasons below may be at play here.
1) The roots have not been moved into the right positions, which will increase the likelihood of relapse.
2) the bite may not have been fully adjusted, premature contacts of the teeth may cause the teeth to move.
3) There may be a thickened tissue attachment that is causing the teeth to move. Unless this attachment is made optimal, the teeth will continue to relapse.
See a board certified orthodontist for a consult or 2nd opinion.
Not a fan of permanent retainers, they usually relapse due to tongue tie or lip frenum, the muscle you see when you pull you lip back. Easy correction with laser. Not a fan of pushing jaws back; it may be trying to find a more forward posture because it's more comfortable for joints.
When braces are not worn consistently they are allowing small amounts of tooth movement and then often correct the misalignment with wear. This creates a constant state of mobility for the teeth and prevents the full effect of the retainer which is to stabilize the tooth so that bone can solidify around the roots and the soft tissue can reorganize around the tooth in its new position. A gap reopening between the upper teeth is quite common. It should be re-closed and then a permanent retainer should be used to keep it closed. The lower retainer needs to be reinspected by the orthodontist to see if has become detached in some way. Limited retreatment with a removable retainer can of close small gaps.
If you have a lower bonded retainer, those teeth usually do not move. You may want to have your retainer check to make sure it is still bonded in place. Teeth have great memory and without wearing some sort of retainer for life, they will tend to move. It is one of the most common reasons why adults have to repeat orthodontics that they had as a child because eventually, they stop wearing or have worn out their retainers. Because of lack of space, it is often difficult to put a permanent retainer on the upper teeth.
Yes, this can happen. Keep wearing your retainers and I would contact the orthodontist that did your braces. Unfortunately, if you did braces from an online source, you will have little help for situations like these. I highly recommend not doing braces on your own, or thru online braces companies. If you saw an orthodontist in your area, I would make an appointment to assess and address the issue. There may be some tissue or frenum conditions that need to be addressed.     
You must wear your retainer throughout your life, as over time your teeth will continue to shift. Using the retainer will greatly limit this movement. You may be a great candidate for a clear aligner therapy like Invisalign treatment to correct a small gap and minor shifting