Gastroenterologist Questions Stomach Ulcer


I'm 29 year female. Weight 69kg. Height 159cm. I had stomach ulcer past 5 years. Symptoms is stomach pain. That's all I took pantacid 20 tablets it was gone. But last three months I had various symptoms. First of all my throat was burning. I think it was symptoms of cold. One day I took pinch of hot rice i ate. After few minutes I felt blood taste in my mouth. I spit lots of blood. Then after few days I had mouth ulcer. I consult dentist and I took ointment .. It was kenocart ointment. After few days I had pain in cheek, chin. It looks like mumps. I consult family general physician, he said it was mumps. One month I had this pain. After I consult ENT, he said it was parotid infections. He gave me medicine - amoxicillin combination, roypar 500mg, roysert, R-Dom. After few days I have heart burn, stomach pain , throat burns, hoarseness, sometimes difficult to swallow it was pain, nausea, three times early morning I had nausea not vomit small amount blood is came due to heavy heart burn in night. What is this? Anything serious. I'm worrying. Please tell me . I sent CBC REPORT

Female | 29 years old
Complaint duration: 3month
Medications: -
Conditions: -

1 Answer

These may be symptoms of severe acid reflux disease, including recurrent peptic ulcers. You’ve got to follow up with your Gastroenterologist.
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