Psychiatrist Questions Depression

Is uncontrolled eating a sign of depression?

I've noticed that my sister is binging a lot on junk food. Also, she is eating a lot more than her usual. I know she isn't doing this because of an eating disorder. But, I have noticed falling behind in work. Could this be a symptom of depression?

7 Answers

Uncontrolled eating that developed recently may have a psychological basis. Overeating can be a primitive way of meeting a strong feeling of neediness. Depression is one possibility but other psychological issues can lead to a powerful feeling of neediness.
Possible. Could be anxiety as well. Diabetes must to be ruled out
It could be. Talk to her. Share your problems with her, she may share hers with you
Yes, changes in appetite can be a sign of depression. She could also have binge eating disorder. She should consult a paychiatrist.
Absolutely, uncontrolled eating could be a symptom of depression..and I recommend a full medical evaluation by a psychiatrist ASAP to further establish cause and order any lab tests needed etc plus illicit any further symptoms...But overeating is such a common reflection of depression that when I manage weight loss in people I ask for 3 diaries of info be recorded daily: foods, exercise, and emotional over-eating from depression, anxiety, mood swings, and.or irritability is so very common..Gently advise your sister to go talk to a psychiatrist...accompany her to the appt. if it makes her feel more comfortable and helps her to make and attend an appt. She is fortunate to have such a caring sister, take care, Dr. Amy
Could be a sign of an eating disorder.

This could be a sign of depression. If it is accompanied by excessive sleepiness, this could be what we call a typical depression because usual major depressive disorders usually insomnia happen with decreased or poor appetite. However, even though you said she doesn't look like she is having an eating disorder, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder should be ruled out.