Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) Questions Chronic Kidney Disease

Can drinking a lot of water for a chronic kidney disease patient cause any major problem?

My mother lives with chronic kidney disease. She is drinking a lot more water lately for health reasons. But could it cause any health concerns for her in regard to her kidneys?

5 Answers

Her nephrologist can suggest how much water she needs to be drinking.
Yes. It will cause fluid accumulation as the kidneys aren't working normally and will cause fluid in lungs and legs too. People get short of breath and have pedal edema because of that. CKD patients should limit salt and fluid intake
Drink water, it's good for kidney flow unless the patient has edema problems.
This is a tricky one. It very much depends on her kidney disease and how bad it is. Often with severe kidney problems you need to restrict your fluid intake but if hers is mild it may be fine. The real issue is why is she drinking so much - does she have excessive thirst, has her blood sugar and her calcium levels been checked? Why is she drinking more for "health" reasons? She won't harm her kidneys by drinking a lot but she might find she gets some swelling of her ankles if her kidneys can't cope with the volume and it's possible she could lower her sodium in her blood if she really drinks a lot.