“What are the symptoms of pulled hamstring?”
I am 26 years old, and I was running outside yesterday and got a sharp pain in my hamstring. Now it's sore. Did I pull my hamstring? What are the symptoms of pulled hamstring?
3 Answers
Most likely, you did pull your hamstring, but it is not that simple. First, is it swollen, tender, or bruised? Soreness is not the same as tenderness. Local symptoms like tenderness to palpation, swelling, or bruising are indicative of a local problem. Those local findings would be more suspicious for a hamstring injury. If yes, is it towards the knee or buttock that it is tender? A proximal hamstring injury is very different than a distal injury. Finally, if it is not tender or bruised, or swollen, it may be sciatica which can be very similar symptoms but very different treatment.
Assuming no abrupt injury or fall - a muscle strain can cause soreness, swelling, and pain. A mild strain can resolve in 1-2 2 weeks. A moderate strain may take 4-6 weeks to resolve. Should not return to running until full motion without pain and good strength. A hamstring origin or insertion tear/rupture will typically have bruising, swelling, tenderness to palpation, possibly a defect, and difficulty bearing weight - a rupture may need surgery.
Mark Burt, M.D.
Mark Burt, M.D.