“What can I do to live a normal life with diabetes?”
I am a 35 year old female and I was diagnosed with diabetes. What can I do to live a normal life with diabetes?
3 Answers
Given that approximately 8% of the US population has been diagnosed with diabetes, it would appear to me that you will definitely be leaving a “normal life” despite your new diagnosis. Just look around you and you will see nearly one in every 10 person with diabetes. Assuming that you are a type two diabetic, the real question I would ask is “how do I put this disease into remission?” Drugs like metformin and hard core dietary changes can put the disease into remission. Bariateic surgery can do it, too. If you are newly diagnosed, hitting this disease very hard upfront will have very long lasting positive affects for your future.
I'm not sure you can. Diabetes is a serious disease and at present can't be cured. I have had it 26 years & can't get rid of it & life is not "normal" though you can, as I have, adapt to it. The most important thing is KEEP YOUR BLOOD SUGARS DOWN & A1c IN THE NORMAL RANGE (>7 or 6.5%). to prevent complications. If you think life is not normal now, think of how complicated it will be if you develop complications such as blindness, kidney failure, neuropathy of your feet & heart disease. These complications are related to high blood sugar (BR) & are preventable. You can live a fairly normal life with diabetes. 1) get or keep your wt. down 2) follow a good diet-the American Heart Association Prudent American Diet to prevent heart disease is a good one as is the Mediteranian diet. 3) check your BS frequently 4) exercise regularly. 5) limit deserts & concentrated sweets. Follow this advice & you'll quickly adapt to the few restraints & life will be good. I am 83 & worked until I was 80 with the disease. I am retired & having fun even though I have the disease. You can too!!