Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Diabetes

What could be the cause of diabetic neuropathy?

I was diagnosed with diabetic neuropathy. Is it serious? What could be the cause of diabetic neuropathy?

2 Answers

Diabetic neuropathy is caused by high blood sugar levels sustained over a long period of time. Other factors can lead to nerve damage, such as: damage to the blood vessels caused by high cholesterol levels. mechanical injury, such as injuries caused by carpal tunnel syndrome
Diabetic Neuropathy (NP) is a frequent complication of diabetes. The cause is not completely known but is a loss of the insulation covering of the nerves so they short circuit just like 2 bare electric wires. It is thought to be related to high blood sugar (BS) levels but can occur at fairly low levels. My HbA1c is 6.0% but I also have neuropathy. The most important thing to do is get & keep your BS is good control (HbA1c >7 or 6.5%). There are medicines such as Lyrica that may help. Check your feet daily & see a podiatrist regularly. DR is the most common cause of foot ulcers & amputations. So be alert.