Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

What do you do when your knee is swollen?

I am a 34 year old female and my knee is swollen after playing sports with my son. We both crashed into each other while playing soccer. What do you do when your knee is swollen?

6 Answers

You should have the knee checked out at urgent care by a medical professional to rule out any fracture. Apply cold compress to the swollen area and elevate the knee. Do this 3-5 times daily for 1-2 weeks. Rest the knee and allow adequate time for healing before returning to heavy activity.
See your Dr if it persists
Ice + ibuprofen + rest. If not improved, get evaluated with X-rays to make sure no significant damage.
The usual things are to ice, elevate, and, if you can tolerate anti-inflammatories, you can take over-the-counter anti-inflammatories. If the swelling persists for a couple of weeks or you become worse, you need to see an orthopedic surgeon.
Intermittent rest and movement. If persists, go see your doctor to asses for further damage.

Lay down and elevate the knee above the level of your heart, apply ice and wrap with an ace type compression wrap. 10-15 minutes, repeat as needed until swelling subsides.