OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

What does creamy white discharge mean?

I am a 33 year old female. I have creamy white discharge. Do I have an infection?

5 Answers

All creamy white discharge does not necessarily mean there is an infection, particularly if it is not associated with any pungent smell or itch. You can have it evaluated in your upcoming office visit.
You will need a pelvic exam to be sure especially if the discharge is thick like cottage cheese or has a fishy odor or is causing itching or irritation..
Unfortunately it could mean many things from just normal vaginal secretions to infection like yeast or bacterial vaginitis (BV) to and STI like trichomoniasis. It all depends on other symptoms, risks of exposure, changes in ph, new medications or antibiotics, time or your menstrual cycle, etc. If it’s new, odorous, bothersome, painful or bloody, you should visit with a healthcare provider for a pelvic exam and testing if necessary.

Dennis Atienza
Not necessarily. Depends on a variety of factors. Your discharge thickens and increases as you near cycle time, and if you are nearing the the latter parts of your pregnancy. We encourage to look for things that are different than what is your normal. If there is color like yellow, tan, gray or green, If you have a foul, fishy or ammonia like odor, if there are other symptoms like burning, itching, irritation then you are more likely to have an infection and require an evaluation. It is important to become familiar with your body’s own natural scent. Each woman is different. When you notice a change it usually means your pH is off usually by something like changing your soap, detergent, fabric softener, using perfume scented sanitary napkins, tampons, wearing panties not cotton lined, douching, medication use, etc. It is important to speak with and/or be seen by your health care professional to be sure before using any home remedies or over the counter treatments.
Creamy white discharge does not necessarily mean you have infection. Your discharge will change throughout your menstrual cycle due to hormonal changes. However if your discharge causes your vagina to smell or itch or hurt or have irritation then you may have an infection.