Naturopath Questions Naturopathic Physician

What is a natural way to manage anxiety?

I am a 29 year old male. I have anxiety but won't take medications for it.

11 Answers

Find someone closest to you . Someone you can confide line your spouse, friend or love ones. Express yourself. Or find a good naturopathic physician. Battlefield acupuncture works. Commonly used in military units.
Stop fearing what you fear. Address fears head on. This will free you from your anxiety. Live presently and not in the future. You are light and are universal therefore there is nothing to fear. Know this :) Sent from Proton Mail for iOS
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Theanine is your best bet.
There are many wonderful ways to "manage' and heal anxiety in naturopathic medicine. But, holistic medicine properly practiced is not like corporate medicine. There is not "a pill for every ill." In treating anxiety, a good holistic doctor will take a very thorough history and
physical and follow many possible threads - do you have some physical abnormality, like an adrenal tumor; do you have a childhood history of trauma and abuse; do you have unhealthy patterns of daily living which are causing this anxiety; are you in toxic relationships? Once the cause or causes are determined, there are lovely and effective treatments depending on the underlying situations. Could be homeopathy, could be Emotional Freedom Technique, or could be addressing underlying adrenal exhaustion with diet and botanical medicines. That's the joy of practicing holistic medicine. It's not a case of paint-by-numbers medicine you tell me the diagnosis and I"ll tell you the drug. This medicine addresses, and usually solves, the underlying puzzle of trauma and disease in each patient.
L-Theanine, pantothenic acid, Magnesium, and Patchouli oil.

Dr. Liz: 361-212-5800
Great question, mild to moderate anxiety may respond to a few sessions of acupuncture. There are effective treatments that most licensed acupuncturists can perform. Acupuncture is safe, relaxing, and provides a non-drug approach to anxiety. Make sure you continue to see a therapist as needed for talk and supportive mental health solutions if needed.
There are many natural ways to manage anxiety. You can find a detailed description of natural treatment for anxiety here:
My personal opinion is that the best treatment option is a combination of homeopathic remedies and clinical hypnosis.
Hello and thank you for your question. Anxiety is one of the most common conditions treated by Naturopathic Doctors. There are many non-medication solutions, ranging from acupuncture to herbs, key nutrients that support the nervous system, mind-body techniques and more!
Lavender extract has been clinically studied and shown to improve anxiety symptoms. Though before jumping into supplements, examining root causes and lifestyle modifications come first in the therapeutic order. This may involve identification of triggers and exploration of diet, physical activity and sleep quality. Further investigation may integrate lab tests to determine nutrient status, toxic body burdens, remediation with vitamins, minerals, botanicals.
Often, anxiety is a worry about the "What If's." When we can release the idea that we can change the past or the future, we can be less anxious. Breath work helps, as does meditation and exercise. Getting enough rest and knowing that God our Creator has it handled is a great way to relax knowing the Universe is FOR YOU, not against you.
Research over many years now has observed depression & anxiety disorders within individuals known to be deficient in B vitamins & trace elements. With the introduction of psychiatric medications in the 1950’s this interest in nutrient status & treatments declined. Take a look at your diet... increase your consumption of fruits & veggies making sure that you are eating properly; decrease your consumption of the nutrient voided foods. Supplementation can assist, however the whole food is recommended, providing the proper nutrient environment for the bodily absorption & use.