Hematologist-Oncologist Questions Anemia

What should you eat if you are anemic?

I am a 23 year old female and I was diagnosed with anemia. What should you eat if you are anemic?

3 Answers

The answer is simple and has a bit of complexity because anemia has many causes. Anemia itself means that the total mass of red blood cells which carry oxygen is low. Doctors sort the causes of anemia by looking at the cells on a microscope and dividing it into the two broad categories of cells that are too small (less than 8 micron size which we call microcytic). Microcytic anemias often involve a lack of iron in the diet. Those that are too large (more than about 10 microns or macrocyctic). Macrocytes often involve a deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid. Sometimes the cells look normal size, and we call that normocytic. Normocytes may be seen when anemia is due to a rapid blood loss or a chronic illness like a cancer or kidney disease. Some cells are bizarre in shape as in sickle cell where the hemoglobin itself has a molecular distortion. This is a 30,000 ft view, but it is how I begin when I am evaluating anemia and trying to identify the likely cause and a specific treatment.
I hope that helps.
Eat foods with lots of iron. Red meat, liver, eggs, greens, etc.
It depends what kind of anemia you have been diagnosed with, the most common cause of anemia in a 23 yo female like you is microcytic anemia this is anemia due to lack of iron, green vegetables like green beans, broccoli, spinach are rich in iron and folic acid and recommended when you are anemic.