Optometrist Questions Ophthalmologist

What type of doctor does eyelid surgery?

I am a 40 year old female. I want to have eyelid surgery. What type of doctor does eyelid surgery?

6 Answers

Oculoplastic surgeon.
Oculo-plastics ophthalmologist. If I was looking to do this myself I would definitely do a consult with Dr. John Park, MD. Specializes in lids.
Typically, an oculoplastics specialist who has completed eye training and then further specialty training in disorders of the eyelid and orbit (eye socket). The highest certification is from ASOPRS (American society of plastics and reconstructive surgery).
Your best option is an ophthalmologist who specializes in oculoplastic surgery. Another option is a plastic surgeon.
Plastic surgeon and oculoppastic eye surgeon
Depends on the type of surgery . If it’s pto sis then ophthalmologist . If it’s chalazion then both ophthalmologist or medical optometrist can do it . For all kinds of lumps and bumps , papilloma , a trained medical OD can perform the surgeries .