Radiologist Questions CT Scans

Which is better? CT scan or MRI of abdomen?

I'm 48 years old, and my doctor would like me to have a CT scan of my abdomen, but I'm not sure about it because of the radiation used. Should I ask for a MRI instead?

4 Answers

Usually, CT Scan is better in terms of resolution of structures. However, MRI has certain specific indications that are more accurate. In terms of acute symptoms or chronic symptoms such as pain, a CT scan with contrast is better. For renal stones, CT without contrast is the norm. A CT scan the abdomen and pelvis is much quicker to perform than corresponding MRI equivalent. An advantage of Emerite is the lack of ionizing radiation that is associated with CT scan.
Hope this helps.

I prefer CT.
The answer is, of course, it depends on what they are looking for. Generally, for abdominal pain, a CT of the abdomen is the first test. The radiation is fairly low and it is okay as long as there is a medical indication. For more focused questions, an MRI may be more helpful.
CT because MRI takes longer to acquire images and your bowel moves...peristalsis.