Family Practitioner Questions Heart Rate

Should I be worried about slight deviations in my heart rate?

When I am resting, my heart rate seems to be having deviations. Is this something I should be worried about?

12 Answers

All deviations are a sign of heart problems. Check with your doctor.
A normal heart rate varies with individuals but can range between 60 to 100 beats/min. An average normal heart rate is 72 beats /min. Normally, at the time of lying down (going from a standing or sitting position to a horizontal (lying) position there is a rush of blood to your heart which will beat fast and heavy for a few seconds to a minute and then quiets down to a normal rate afterwards. This can be normal. If there are concerns, then please see your doctor for a further evaluation.
I am not quite certain what you mean by "deviations." That being said, the heart can vary with regards to rate or beats per minute. Caffeine and other stimulates, anemia, exercise, dehydration, hyperthyroidism, and/or fever can cause one's heart rate to increase. On the other hand, certain medications may also cause one's heart rate to decrease. Furthermore, there are other medical conditions that can speed or slow one's heart rate. Your family physician should be able to help determine if this requires further investigation or not.
I do not know your complete history but if you you are concerned and it’s new then yes. You should have it checked out. I recommend starting with you thyroid and your thoughts that may trigger worry and anxiety
Have an ECG and cardiac checkup
What do you mean by 'deviations'? Your heart rate won't remain at an exact number of beats per minute at all times, and even when resting doing nothing you'll have a certain amount of variability just from breathing.

If you're having very disruptive feelings, you may be having a condition called palpitations. If you have a family history of heart disease or if these deviations worry you, you should follow up with your primary care doctor who will most likely get an EKG and may set you up with something called an event monitor to check your heart rhythm at the exact moment these deviations happen.

In most cases, it's not a big deal, but until the workup is done it's hard to say for sure.
It is important that you see a cardiologist (heart doctor) to evaluate the "deviations"
Heart rate should be steady and not fluctuate. You should see your primary care physician
As long as it doesn't cause any symptoms, no worries. Minor variations considered normal in response to pain and stress heart rate will vary. Frequently, headaches, dizziness, chest pain, or shortness of breath are serious symptoms which should not be ignored.
Any time you feel that your heart is beating irregularly or if you experience chest pain it is always a good idea to visit your primary care doctor. We usually order an EKG to ensure that the heart is beating properly.
It may be something to be concerned about, but difficult to definitively say. Sometimes it can be as simple as a PVC (premature ventricular contraction), which many times is benign. However, if your heart rate is escalating to a very rapid rate, this could be more alarming (i.e., supraventricular tachycardia). If you are concerned, an ECG can help to diagnose. Keep in mind that the ECG will only read your current heart rhythm and may not catch the episode if you are not experiencing the irregularity during the test.
Minor deviations are certainly normal even at rest. If your heart rate is below 50 or above 100 at rest it would be prudent to confer with your health care professional. Infrequent "extra" beats or "skipped" beats can also be normal. An excessive amount or discomfort should also be followed up with your provider.