
Also known as inflammation of the joints, arthritis causes varying stiffness, pain, and discomfort, and is usually associated with older age.

The most common subtypes of arthritis include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, fibromyalgia, and gout. There is no cure for any type of arthritis, but treatment may help.

Visit the medical library to learn more about arthritis

Doctor Book an appointment with a rheumatologist

How many people 3,000,000+ cases in the US yearly

Clock Can be long-term or lifelong

Diagnosis Testing often required for diagnosis and treatment

Understand the Basics

What Are the Different Types of Arthritis?

Basic understanding

What Are the Different Types of Arthritis?

Arthritis is always a pain, but did you know that there are different kinds? Read about the different kinds of arthritis and how they affect you in this article.

What Are the Symptoms of Arthritis?

Basic understanding

What are the Symptoms of Arthritis?

Read about the different symptoms of arthritis and how they affect you in this article.

What is Knee Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Basic understanding

What Is Knee Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Read this article to learn about knee rheumatoid arthritis.

What to Avoid if you have Osteoarthritis

Basic understanding

What to Avoid if You have Osteoarthritis

Read this article to learn about what foods and ingredients can trigger pain if you have osteoarthritis.

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Basic understanding

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the joints. The immune system protects the body by attacking foreign substances, such as viruses and bacteria. Read this article to learn more.

Tennis Elbow and Arthritis

Basic understanding

Tennis Elbow and Arthritis

Arthritis cannot cause tennis elbow. The opposite is also true in that tennis elbow, better known as lateral epicondyle, cannot result in arthritis. Each condition occurs and develops on its own. Understand the differences between arthritis and tennis elbow.

Understand Causes

What are the Most Serious Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis?


What are the Most Serious Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful autoimmune disease and it's symptoms cause inflammation to occur in the joints of the body. Rheumatoid arthritis can cause serious and deadly complications, due to the symptoms that come along with it. Learn what the symptoms are and how to recognize them.

What are the Causes and Treatment Options for Rheumatoid Nodules?


What are the Causes and Treatment Options for Rheumatoid Nodules?

Rheumatoid nodules are lumps that form in most patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Read more about the causes, complications, and treatments for rheumatoid arthritis in this article.

Being Overweight Can Complicate Rheumatoid Arthritis


Being Overweight Can Complicate Rheumatoid Arthritis

If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and you are overweight, those extra pounds can be hurting you more than you realize. Read on to learn more.

Fish Oil Can Help Manage Symptoms Caused by Arthritis


Fish Oil Can Help Manage Symptoms Caused by Arthritis

Fish body oil and fish liver oil are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can fight joint inflammation and help in controlling the immune system. Fish liver oil is also a rich source of vitamin D, which is essential for maintaining healthy joints. Read this article to learn more.

What to Avoid if you have Osteoarthritis


What to Avoid if You have Osteoarthritis

Read this article to learn about what foods and ingredients can trigger pain if you have osteoarthritis.

Understand Treatment

Aquatic Therapy for Arthritis


Aquatic Therapy for Arthritis

Arthritis causes pain in one's joints. This pain is often aggravated by movement or activity, which makes wanting to move or exercise an uncomfortable proposition. Learn more about aquatic therapy and how it is being used to help those with arthritis by reading this article.

Chiropractic Care for Arthritis


Chiropractic Care for Arthritis

If you suffer from arthritis, you understand the pain associated with it. Read on to learn how chiropractic care can help.

Fish Oil Can Help Manage Symptoms Caused by Arthritis


Fish Oil Can Help Manage Symptoms Caused by Arthritis

Fish body oil and fish liver oil are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can fight joint inflammation and help in controlling the immune system. Fish liver oil is also a rich source of vitamin D, which is essential for maintaining healthy joints. Read this article to learn more.

Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis


Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis cannot be cured completely like any other bacterial infection because the root of the disease is still unknown. Its pathogenesis is still being worked on by many scientists. But what we do know is that the disease is a long term one, and we know the right way to treat the symptoms. All treatment options are aimed at subduing the symptoms. It has been shown that the disease might go into remission if the treatment starts early. And therefore, it is recommended to get the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis early. A complete check-up from doctor once a month won’t take much time.