Heart Disease

Heart disease, also known as cardiovascular disease, is a group of conditions that affect the heart. These include peripheral artery disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cardiac arrest, arrhythmia, congenital heart disease, congestive heart failure, and more.

Heart disease is currently the leading cause of death in the United States, in front of cancer and lower respiratory diseases.

Visit the medical library to learn more about heart disease

Doctor Book an appointment with a cardiologist

How many people Over 600,000 deaths per year

Diagnosis Diagnosis requires medical testing

Recovery Treatment can include, surgery, medication, and lifestyle changes

Understand the Basics

Can Heart Disease Be Reversed?

basic understanding

Can Heart Disease Be Reversed?

When diagnosed with heart disease, doctors and family alike encourage you to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Can these changes really decrease your chances of a future coronary event? And is it possible to reverse the damage already done to your heart? A top cardiologist weighs in on how lifestyle changes can undo heart disease.

Sons Can Inherit Heart Disease from Their Fathers

basic understanding

Sons Can Inherit Heart Disease from Their Fathers

Due to genes, it is possible for sons to inherit heart disease from their fathers. Read this article to learn more.

10 Potential Heart Breakers

basic understanding

Ten Potential “Heartbreakers”

Some things in life are simply out of your control, but maintaining a healthy heart is possible if you avoid certain risk factors.  Learn how to protect your heart.

The Correlation Between Height and Heart Disease Risk

basic understanding

The Correlation Between Height and Heart Disease Risk

Can being short or tall somehow be a predictor of your risk for heat disease? Studies find that there is a correlation between height and heart health. Read more to see what your risk is.

Understand Causes

Ovary Removal Does Not Raise Your Risk for Heart Disease

Understand Causes

Ovary Removal Does Not Raise Your Risk for Heart Disease

Read this article to learn about how the removal of the ovaries may not raise your risk for heart disease.

Professional Teeth Cleanings Can Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Understand Causes

Professional Teeth Cleanings Can Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease

Did you know that your oral hygiene has an influence on your heart? While the connection between oral health and heart disease is not clear, it is definitely there. Learn more about this surprising relationship by reading this article.

Can Fatty Fish Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease?

Understand Causes

Can Fatty Fish Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease?

Did you know that fatty fish can lower your risk of heart disease? Read this article to learn more.

Understand Treatment

What is a Stent?


What Is a Stent?

Having weak arteries will result in heart problems. Stents are one way to solve problems with arteries. Read this article to learn more about how stents can be used to fix weak arteries.

How to Properly Recover from Heart Surgery


How to Properly Recover from Heart Surgery

Heart surgery is obviously a very serious event in a person's life. Read this article to learn the precautions you can take as you move through the recovery process.

How Can I Lower Cholesterol Levels?


How Can I Lower Cholesterol Levels?

Cholesterol can cause heart disease and decrease lifespan. Read on to learn more about how dietary and exercise decisions can lower your cholesterol level.

Are Statins Right for Me?


Are Statins Right for Me?

High cholesterol may cause several life-threatening health problems. Take a look at one treatment that can reduce cholesterol level in blood.