
Are at home allergy kits reliable?

I am a 39 year old female. I bought an online allergy kit for my family to use. Learn more from our experts.


When should you start having regular hearing tests?

I am a 56 year old female. I was wondering when should you start having regular hearing tests? Learn more from our experts.


Why am I having issues with my breathing around paint?

Yesterday, I suddenly felt breathless and started feeling dizzy because of the recent paint job at my friend's place. Why did this happen? Is this common


Can grandmother take opioids for acute pain?

My grandmother was dealing with acute pain after having a knee replacement, and she was prescribed opioids for treatment. Is it safe for her to take opioids? Learn more from our experts.


Why is my mother's skin so dark and dry?

My mom is a diabetes patient and her skin is extremely dry and has a strange dark pigment. What could be the cause of this? Read on to learn more


Can my son have soy milk if he has a dairy allergy?

Whenever he has cow milk, he gets hives or rashes, but I still want him to get the nutrients he needs from milk. Can he have soy milk instead? Learn from our experts.


How are colon polyps treated?

I am a 53 year old male. After my colonoscopy I was diagnosed with benign polyps. Learn more from our experts.


At what age can you tell a child has a speech delay?

My 1 1/2 year old can only say "Dada". Does this signify a speech delay or is it too early? Learn more from our experts on speech delays.


Is sleep apnea curable with surgery?

I have been suffering from sleep apnea. Is there a surgery that can help in treating this? Read this article to learn more.



Hello, I have COVID-19. I first had symptoms on Wednesday and tested positive on Friday. I’ve been having trouble taking deep breaths, especially if I’m standing or sitting up. This morning I was feeling better and I got up and cleaned my floor for a couple minutes but then started having a tightness in my chest. My pulse ox is still 100% so I don’t know if I should be concerned or not. My pulse has been really high since I first started feeling sick (usually over 90bpm). I had a fever on Friday but haven’t since then and I’ve been sleeping and hydrating a lot. I don’t have any previous medical history