Dr. Charles Edward Nguyen M.D., Internist
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Dr. Charles Edward Nguyen M.D.


2941 Cochran St. 5 Simi Valley CA, 93065


Being a physician with a dual doctorate (M.D. & D.C.) background has provided me with the opportunity to provide a service that will differentiate me from other healthcare providers. My unique approach to the practice and delivery of healthcare is that I'll comprehensively incorporate all of my knowledge that I've accumulated from both curriculum's thereby allowing me to perform a detailed investigation of every anatomical and physiological system of the human body to identify the system or process that is in the state of DYS-EASE. Once I've localized the abnormality, I can then begin to [prepare a plan to begin the process of normalization of these systems thereby allowing the naturally occurring processes to function at their optimal capacity and without any adverse stimuli or physiological interruption. I personally believe that this is the ideal method to practice healthcare as it satisfies the three crucial components of any effective strategy. Practical, Logical and Universal. "Practical" because by adhering to the ideas and principles that I briefly discussed, I have found that this is the most effective way to achieve my end goal for all of my patients, which is true wellness and everlasting health. "Logical" because it makes perfect sense. These naturally occurring algorithms of physiological processes have been extensively researched and discussed throughout the years. A keen understanding of these processes will allow the responsible practitioner to make the necessary adjustments to prepare the necessary treatment protocols and thus, determining the most appropriate course of action. And last, but certainly not least, it must be "Universal" in that this paradigm must be able to be applied to all human beings irrespective race, sex, religion and/or gender. By utilizing this method to practice healthcare, every pathological process can carefully be analyzed and assessed to determine which steps can be taken to facilitate the process of normalization.

Education and Training

Cleveland Chiropractic College

AUC School of Medicine Medical Doctor Degree 2005

Board Certification

National Board of Chiropractic Examiners

Provider Details

Male English, Spanish, Vietnamese
Dr. Charles Edward Nguyen M.D.
Dr. Charles Edward Nguyen M.D.'s Expert Contributions
  • Experiencing numbness and pain after elbow fracture treatment. Why is this happening?

    This sounds like a "botched" procedure to me. It has all the signs of an under-trained surgeon that reset the fracture in a bad position which led you to have your severe pain postoperative. It also sounds like the surgeon severed some superficial tributaries to a major nerve as well, most likely, the tributaries to your Ulnar nerve. READ MORE

  • Can a chiropractor help me with my lower back pain?

    Absolutely! As a doctor of chiropractic, their isn't a profession that more educated, well trained and experienced as we are when it comes to the realm of neck and back pain. I would think maybe the physical medicine & rehabilitation doctors and doctors of osteopathy would be the next closest physicians that are trained as well as us when it comes to the education, training and experience in any type of back pain. With that being said, you must understand the fact that their are "bad apples" in every profession. With my 20 plus years of experience in this field, I can confidently state that not all chiropractors are top tier doctors in providing relief of back pain. However, that is not to say that we are not the most well trained to manage such a situation because we are! You just have to be extremely diligent when researching the specific educational background, amount of training/experience and previous work history when trying to find the best doctor of chiropractic to manage your condition. READ MORE

  • Why do I have a sharp knee pain?

    Hmm...Sharp knee pain upon running. Very intriguing indeed. Especially in an athlete. My initial thinking would be condition termed, Osgood Schlatter's Disease which presents as a dull to sharp localized pain in the front portion of the knee. The pain is exacerbated by any prolonged and repetitive weightbearing activity. Diagnosis would be confirmed clinically by taking a bilateral x-ray of the knee region. Another possibility that is quite common cause of knee pain is "shin splints" or a strain of the Tibialis Anterior muscle. This condition is also exacerbated by walking long distances, running, walking up and down the stairs. So the treatment would absolutely be dependent on the definitive diagnosis. If the diagnosis is indeed Osgood Schlatter's disease, then the recommended treatment multi-dimensional (supportive, RICE-Rest Ice Compression & Elevation, NSAIDs and a Podiatric referral is absolutely warranted). If however, the diagnosis is Shin Splints, then the treatment would be: 1) Education to avoid all aggravating factors to allow the injury to heal in the shortest amount of time possible. 2) Hydration to allow the muscle cells to function at its optimal capacity. 3) Rest as only time will allow this muscle to regenerate. If the condition is due to a strain of the Anterior Cruciate ligament or the Medial Collateral ligament (the most common cause of organic knee pain), then an MRI is warranted to determine the extent of damage, thus allowing the practitioner to make the clinical decision accordingly. **NOTE: In many of my previous cases of non-organic/pathologic causes of knee pain that is misdiagnosed as a ligament strain issue when in reality, it is almost always due to the compensatory muscular hypertonicity of the Vastus Medialis muscle insertion. This can often lead to generalized knee pain in a young healthy adult. -If this happens to be the case, I would locate and carefully palpate the insertion and the belly of the muscle to check for it's resting tension. -If it happens to be increased, then a technique termed, "Active Release Technique" when done properly would always resolve the patient's knee pain instantly. This technique has also been proved to be very effective in tendonitis cases as well. READ MORE

  • Is a chiropractor helpful in treating kids?

    Absolutely! However, when it comes to managing your child's condition, it is always better to have a team of physician's from the different disciplines of healthcare to work together in unison to provide the best available care for your child. Think of it this way, when you have a network of physician's all working together for a common goal which is much better as opposed to when you only have one particular type of physician. Like the old saying goes, "2 heads are better than 1." In the situation that I'm envisioning, 3-4 heads is much better than 1. And so for your 5 year old, the answer would be absolutely yes that a chiropractor can be of help to your child but it would be of great benefit to your child if the chiropractor that you chose would be open to referring you to physician's in the other musculoskeletal disciplines to provide the best care for your child as possible. Also, be wary of the chiropractors that are not keen enough to consider the immaturity of your child's musculoskeletal system and they just get your 5 year old into different positions and start torquing that body into different contorting positions. That is not my philosophy as to how I would go about treating a young child. Personally, with a keen understanding that until the child's growth plates are closed, than your child's musculoskeletal system is considered to still be growing and immature. That means that it is not all completely calcified into bone. Especially in a 5 year old, there are many portions that are still cartilaginous that are maturing into calcified bone. When one start messing with a child's maturation of their musculoskeletal system by manual chiropractic manipulations, there's a possibility that the chiropractor can stunt the growth of the child. So how would I go about with my manipulation of this 5 year old? It has been proven that with application the "Activator technique" on the lowest setting, that this particular technique the most non-invasive, however it is also he most efficient method to manipulate the subluxated segments back into its normal resting position, thus allowing for the maximal nerve supply to the cells and tissues thus maximizing the overall musculoskeletal homeostasis and allowing for the child's optimal growth. READ MORE

  • I am suffering from anterior tibial tendinitis. Should I quit my job?

    Not if you have just won the Lotto or have a tree that grows money on it! All kidding aside, my answer to you would be absolutely not. First of all, with the limited amount of information that was provided, I'm not completely sure that this diagnosis is correct. 1) My question to you is, where is the exact location of your pain your pain? 2) Is your pain located at the FRONT PORTION of your ankle? 3) Did the pain arise gradually over time or or was the onset of your pain more sudden? Does any activity with prolonged weightbearing always bring on the pain? 4) What are the factors that bring on the pain? What have you done to find relief? 5) Have you ever experienced any similar incidence prior to this episode? 6) Is it affecting only one side or is it affecting both sides? 7) Is the pain localized to one specific area of the foot or does it radiate to another area causing a generalized pain and tenderness? 8) In your own words, how would you characterize the pain that you are experiencing? This is a very important question because the different foot disorders all have their specific character of pain. 9) Does it hurt when you attempt to flex your foot upward towards your shin? 10) Have you noticed any signs of acute inflammation? Redness, painful to touch, warmth over the area of involvement and swelling. These are some of the more important questions that I would ascertain prior to arriving at any definitive diagnosis. Certainly I would have a small list of differential diagnosis as a possibility, which would include: 1) Plantar Fasciitis 2) Tibialis Anterior strain 3) Achilles Tendonitis 4) Premature Degenerative Joint Disease of the Foot 5) Posterior Tibial Tendonitis vs. Anterior Tibial Tendonitis After ruling out all of the other common causes of foot and ankle pain in which I would rule in only one to arrive at a definitive diagnosis, depending on which one it is, then I would plan and treat the condition accordingly. Let's just say that the diagnosis of Anterior Tibial Tendonitis is correct for education sake. Understanding the fact that patients with "high arched" feet are more prone to suffer from this particular condition then a custom foot orthotic would certainly serve to benefit you to find relief. If that is not sufficient then a walking boot is the next option. If, however, neither of these options are helpful, then a Podiatric consult or a Surgical consult would be warranted for sure. READ MORE

  • Why do I have pins and needles in my legs?

    The reason that your are experiencing "pins and needles" sensations in your legs leading to intense pain and discomfort is because structurally, depending to the exact location of your symptoms, the area of nerve impingement can be ascertained. This is a symptom that is termed, "Paresthesia", which is exactly what your are experiencing, pins and needles sensation. There are a multitude of causes that can result in paresthesia. A complete history, a thorough examination and laboratory investigation must be warranted to give you a better answer to your question. Are you a diabetic? Is the symptom on one side or is it on both sides? Do you have any back pain. Have ever been diagnosed with the Herpes virus. Sometimes, a space occupying lesion can cause paresthesia when it encroaches on the brain or spinal cord so a CT scan and/or MRI would be crucial in the diagnosis. And finally, nerve compression syndromes, for example, Meralgia Paresthetica is a common cause of unilateral anterolateral thigh paresthesia due to the entrapment of the Lateral Femoral Cutaneous nerve. So this is the reason why the history and exam is crucial in answering this question in better detail. READ MORE

  • My ankle hurts even after I walk a mile. What could be the reason for this?

    Pain in the ankle upon any weight bearing activity must raise the suspicion of some type of inflammatory process of any one of the tendons of the ankle mortise joint. Depending on the specific location of the pain, a more accurate diagnosis could be entertained. An important question to ask would be, have you ever sprained your ankle before? And if so, how many times? The reason being is because instability of the ankle joint is a very common cause of chronic ankle pain. This is primarily due to ligamentous laxity causing the articulations to subluxate leading to structural alterations of the ankle joint thus causing pain upon weight bearing. Also, a radiographic examination of the foot is also important to rule out an arthritic condition which is a common cause of ankle pain. READ MORE

  • My left shoulder is broader than the right. Is this a growth problem?

    This would be dependent on the absolute cause of the shoulder imbalance. Are you right or left side dominant? When you are working out, do you consciously try to work both sides equally? Is the range of motion limited or restricted on either side? Is there any pain involved with or without movement? A shoulder radiograph would provide some information as to determine if there is a structural cause of the imbalance. Correction can only be made when the root cause is detected. If it is a muscular issue, then exercises (stretching and strengthening) would be the best answer. If the cause is due to a bony defect, then a surgical option must be ascertained. READ MORE

  • My father has a disc problem. Should we go for physiotherapy or surgery?

    For myself, being a "dual-doctorate" physician (M.D. and D.C.), I'm am not biased in answering this question. The reason being is because it depends on who you ask. If you ask a medical doctor, he will say absolutely, a surgical consult is warranted. If you ask a chiropractor, he will answer absolutely not. So with my background and training, I can answer this question without any preconceived notions and/or biases. How would I personally approach this case? Well for one, I would ask your father how long has he been experiencing this back and hip pain. With his pain, what has it limited him from doing? Is he bedridden? Is he able to perform his normal activities of daily living without any issues or problems. Has he attempted to explore any alternative form of therapies such as chiropractic, physiotherapy or acupuncture? Would he like to entertain the possibility of giving one of these form of alternative form of therapy a try? If he is all in with chiropractic, then, I would perform a thorough history, a complete physical examination and an x-ray of the Lumbosacral region to determine the extent of structural damage and also ascertain if he need a more detailed examination such as an MRI of the same region. Depending on those results, I would prepare a "Review of Findings" with the patient. A typical R.O.F consist of 4 important aspects: 1) What is the nature of the condition and extent the extent of the damage. 2) What are your father's options? Both with traditional and alternative treatment. What are the pro's and con's of each? 3) The length of the treatment plan? Including the realistic timeline goals. 4) The cost of therapy from the initial consult to the final examination. Then, I would leave it up to the patient to make an informed, educated decision as to what would be best for him, READ MORE

  • Is slipping of a rib common with age?

    This is the typical presentation for a condition is called, "Slipping Rib Syndrome". It commonly affect females in their 80's. It's actually a rare condition, however, when it occurs, it typically presents with intermittent, sharp, stabbing type of pain in the upper abdomen and at times at the upper back region. The patient will feel an actual click or pop. And usually, the patient will state that any increase in intra-abdominal pressure will cause the rib/s to subluxate. The treatment of this condition for an older age female would be to adjust the rib that has been subluxated. For the pain, I would recommend a mild Non-steroidal anti inflammatory, such as Ibuprofen However, due to it's chronic effect on the liver, it must be taken cautiously. Then, for stability, I would recommend wearing some type of corset or brassiere to prevent further subluxations of the rib. READ MORE

  • I have a problem with my posture that is causing back pain. What should I do?

    There is a specific exercise that I teach to my patient's that specifically addresses this concern. It is a stabilization exercise that focuses on restoring the structural architecture of the low back. 1) Start by sitting on your seat with you feet comfortably planted on the ground shoulder width apart. 2) Then feel the small of your back, while contracting your abdominal muscle, consciously push in the small of your back while you're feeling the curve of your lumbar spine increase. Hold that position for one to two seconds, then release. 3) Perform this exercise periodically throughout the day while your in the sitting position. Over time, you'll begin to experience an improvement in your overall posture. A decrease in you low back pain. Also, postural-wise, I would educate my patients regarding avoiding acquiring, "Upper Cross Syndrome". That is the very common slouched forward upper extremity posture due to the imbalance in hypertonicity of the Pectoralis and Anterior Deltoids musculature as opposed to the weak, laxity of the Posterior Deltoid, Posterior portion of the Trapezius, Supraspinatus and Rhomboid muscles in the back. the remedy for this condition is to decrease the hypertonicity of the anterior muscular structures and strengthen the posterior muscular structures to create a more harmonic relationship and a better symbiotic relationship between the agonist and the antagonist structures. READ MORE

  • I've been suffering from scoliosis since I was 19 years. I am now 32 years old. Will this problem be corrected with surgery?

    To properly address this question, I would have to ask you some of the following. Has there been any type of intervention, such as chiropractic? Have you ever had a standing scoliosis screening x-ray? This is the only to accurately determine the Cobb Angle of Scoliosis which is the gold standard form of measurement. Depending on the angle, this will essentially provide the practitioner as how to proceed. A Cobb angle of 10 degrees or less is always considered mild and would be a great candidate for strictly alternative therapies (chiropractic, physiotherapy and/or acupuncture). Cobb angle between 10-15 degrees is also a candidate for alternative therapy, however, the practitioner may want to consider an Orthopedic consult depending the the rate of progression over time, the character and frequency of symptoms. If the Cobb angle is greater than 15 degrees, this is an absolute indication for an Orthopedic consult because it is possible that the curvature is severe enough that it will start to impinge on and affect certain internal organs. For example, if it is a mid thoracic scoliosis with a Cobb angle of 22 degrees, the thought is that it could theoretically affect the lungs. And so the typical patient in this situation could present with dyspnea with or without exertion, shortness of breath and cyanosis. If the scoliosis is in the lumbar region, the areas of concern would be the kidneys, liver, intestines and reproductive organs. So, it all depends on the Cobb angle and the only way to appropriately arrive at the correct angle is via a standing scoliosis screening x-ray. READ MORE

  • I am suffering from neck and shoulder pain since I was a child. What should I do?

    Come see me at my office in Redondo Beach. If do not live near my location, then I would recommend to either go to Yelp or Google and perform a research on your local Chiropractor with the best and most well rounded set of credentials. What should you look for when performing your research? 1) Education level 2) Professional background, experience and level of training 3) Look inthe more common social media platforms and research to see if the doctor has a professional facebook profile, linkedin profile and/or any of the other social media outlets. -Sometimes, you'll have access to their Curriculum Vitae which essentially is a complete resume of their educational and employment background. -This will give you a better understanding of the overall history of the doctor and give a you a piece of mind knowing that you are trusting your health and livelihood to a person who is qualified to provide you with the best service possible. READ MORE

  • I have undergone about 5 X-rays in the last 2 months for my spinal problem. Are there any risks?

    It is professionally and ethically irresponsible that you have been X-rayed 5 times over the last 2 months for what you called a "slight spinal problem". The level of exposure to radiation is 5 times of what you should actually have been exposed to. Depending on your condition, the severity, the length of exposure (it's chronicity or timeline) and it's presenting symptoms as well as the signs that you are reporting will determine the exact location to be X-rayed. Typically, you would only perform an initial X-ray to aid the physician in arriving at a particular diagnosis, aid in formulating a treatment protocol or use as a baseline measure when beginning a treatment for a specific disorder. The second time that you should undergo an X-ray is during the re-evaluation to document your progress in response to the treatment protocol. From my experience, this should be at a minimum of 4-6 months from the initial radiograph and that is basically it. At no time should you have to undergo 5 set of radiographs in a span of 2 months. No, no and no! To say that the radiation can definitely lead to problems in the future is not accurate at this point in time. It could, however it is a bit premature to ascertain such a statement. However, the likelihood of your chances of having a sequelae in the future from this incident is definitely increased. I can make that statement with confidence. Also, the skill, knowledge and experience of the person taking your radiographs is a significant factor. Were the settings correct? Did he/she use the proper shielding? Does he/she know how to interpret the charts when making their determination as to the setting to be utilized? All of these play an important role in shooting a high quality radiograph and thus minimizing your exposure to radiation. I would also think that if you continue to go to the same physician that overexposed you to those X-rays, I would be confident in saying that your back pain would deteriorate and worsen with time. The reason being is that in my 25 years plus in the healthcare industry, I have never been associated with a physician who would do such a thing or heard of such an instance where this would be the case. With that being said, I would not be confident in thinking that this particular physician would be skilled enough or have the knowledge to properly address your health concerns. READ MORE

  • Can an X-ray diagnose a spinal deformity?

    Absolutely, there's certain spinal deformities that can be diagnosed via X-ray alone. Such conditions as scoliosis, spina bifida, anterolisthesis/spondylolisthesis, lumbarization/sacralization and hyperkyphosis of the thoracic spine or Gibbus deformity are some of the more common examples that are frequently diagnosed via X-ray. READ MORE

  • My husband has a bone growth in his ankle. What should we do?

    When performing an investigation regarding your husband's bone growth at his ankle, many questions needs to be addressed prior to determining the appropriate course of action. First, what is the age of your husband? Is the bone growth at his ankle the only site of involvement? Has he ever been diagnosed with Gout? Is there anybody in his immediate family afflicted with Gout? Where exactly on his ankle is the growth? Does his symptoms intensify with consumption of red meat, wine, cheese or any other particular food? A focused examination of the site of involvement and an X-ray of the growth is warranted prior to making any treatment decision to remedy his situation. READ MORE

Areas of expertise and specialization

ChiropracticChiropractic OrthopedicsChiropractic InternistSports InjurySpinal RehabilitationTherapeutic ExercisesActive Release TherapyGraston TechniqueDiversified TechniqueActivator TechniqueVibrocussorNutritional CouselingMyofascial Release TherapySacro-occipital TechniqueProadjuster Technique


  • International Association of Chiropractors   
  • American Chiropractic Association   
  • California Chiropractic Association   
  • American Medical Association   
  • Delta Tau Healing Fraternity   

Professional Memberships

  • American Medical Association  
  • Delta Tau International Fraternity of the Healing Arts  
  • American Chiropractic Association  
  • California Chiropractic Association  
  • International Association of Healthcare Providers  
  • American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine Alumni Association  
  • Cleveland Chiropractic Association Alumni Association  


  • Musculoskeletal

Professional Society Memberships

  • American Medical Association, American Chiropractic Association, California Chiropractic Association

What do you attribute your success to?

  • Charles attributes his success to serving my patients with honor, humility, compassion and integrity.

Hobbies / Sports

  • Reading, Art, Surfing

Favorite professional publications

  • Journal of the American Medical Association

Dr. Charles Edward Nguyen M.D.'s Practice location

The Joint Chiropractic

2941 Cochran St. 5 -
Simi Valley, CA 93065
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New patients: 805-624-7371

Health Atlast

4385 Van Nuys Blvd 105 -
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
Get Direction
New patients: 818-786-5985

Alhambra Health Clinic

8201 Garfield Ave. A -
Alhambra, CA 90201
Get Direction
New patients: 562-674-3505

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Turn left onto Jones Way 371 ft
You have arrived at your destination, on the right



Head southwest on Colonial 181 ft
Turn right onto Cochran Street 1274 ft
Turn right onto Sycamore Drive 1016 ft
Take the ramp on the right 1289 ft
Merge left onto Ronald Reagan Freeway (CA 118) 8.0 mi
Take the ramp on the right towards CA 27 South: Topanga Canyon Blvd 1460 ft
Turn right onto Topanga Canyon Boulevard (CA 27) 5.3 mi
Keep right 669 ft
Turn right onto Sherman Way 1.3 mi
Turn right onto Medical Center Drive 911 ft
You have arrived at your destination, on the right



Head southwest on Colonial 181 ft
Turn right onto Cochran Street 1274 ft
Turn right onto Sycamore Drive 1372 ft
Take the ramp on the left towards CA 118 West 1317 ft
Merge left onto Ronald Reagan Freeway (CA 118) 7.2 mi
Continue straight towards CA 23 South 6.3 mi
Take the ramp on the right towards Janss Road 1775 ft
Turn right onto East Janss Road 1.7 mi
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Turn right 46 ft
You have arrived at your destination, straight ahead



14502 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, USA
Head north on Van Nuys Blvd toward Ventura Blvd
92 ft
Turn left onto Ventura BlvdPass by T.J. Maxx (on the right in 0.2 mi)
0.5 mi
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1.4 mi
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Turn left onto Vanowen St
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14502 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, USA
Head north on Van Nuys Blvd toward Ventura Blvd
92 ft
Turn left onto Ventura BlvdPass by Subway (on the left in 2.0 mi)
2.2 mi
Turn right
0.1 mi
Turn leftDestination will be on the right
85 ft
16237 Ventura Blvd, Encino, CA 91436, USA



14502 Ventura Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, USA
Head north on Van Nuys Blvd toward Ventura BlvdPass by Citibank (on the right)
0.3 mi
Continue straight to stay on Van Nuys Blvd
0.4 mi
Turn leftDestination will be on the left
279 ft
4929 Van Nuys Blvd, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, USA