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How is Congestive Heart Failure Diagnosed?

This article describes how your doctor diagnoses Congestive Heart Failure. He will start with your history of symptoms, and this will be followed by a physical examination, which will be followed by investigations. For more info read "How is Congestive Heart Failure Diagnosed?"


What Causes Ear Infections?

An ear infection is a very common infection that occurs especially in small children, owing to their anatomical structures of the ear. Learn what can cause an ear infection for you and your loved ones.


What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Multiple Myeloma?

Multiple myeloma may not show any signs during the early stages; it is only after a blood or urine test that it can be diagnosed.


What are the Signs and Symptoms of Bronchitis?

Your body increases its temperature to battle infection, making it difficult for bacteria and viruses to survive. As the human body tries to warm itself up, you will experience chills.


Treatments for Multiple Myeloma

To decide on what treatment will suit you best, you and your doctors will first deliberate on all the options, their aim and what side effects may arise from them.


Tips on How to Live with Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a hematological (blood) cancer that develops in the plasma cells of bones, whereby healthy plasma cells transform into malignant myeloma cells. Plasma cells are responsible for producing antibodies to maintain the body’s immune system. It could be hard to eat when you have multiple myeloma, but it is extremely important that you get the right nutrients in the right quantities while you are undergoing treatment.


Multiple Myeloma: What is Autotransplantation?

Multiple myeloma is usually treated by stem cell transplant. Autotransplantation refers to the movement of organs or tissues from one part of the body to another in the same person while allotransplantation is the movement of organs or tissues from another individual of the same species.


How is Multiple Myeloma Diagnosed?

The doctor may ask you to undergo many tests to get a correct diagnosis as well as determine which treatments may be the most effective. The most widely accepted schema for the diagnosis of multiple myeloma (MM) uses particular combinations of laboratory, imaging, and procedure findings as diagnostic criteria.


Can ADHD Be Treated Only with Medication?

Medication alone isn’t enough. Medication for ADHD is not all about seeking the services of a doctor or physician. You need to design mechanisms you can use to tackle the challenges associated with ADHD so that you can lead a more peaceful and productive life.


Are Stimulants Good for My Child?

Most parents whose children suffer from the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) reject the consumption of caffeinated drinks. They often think that such drinks could worsen their children’s symptoms. So why do medical doctors prescribe stimulants to kids experiencing severe ADHD symptoms? It appears to be very counterintuitive.


Can ADHD Occur in Adulthood?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) doesn’t just occur in children. It can also occur during adulthood. Actually, it has been estimated that about 70% of adults continue to struggle with ADHD .


ADHD: What Is Talk Therapy?

Talk therapy can really be helpful to people living with ADHD. It’s normal for people to seek assistance from psychiatrists or professional counselors whenever they realize that they’re suffering from ADD/ADHD.


How to Know if Your Child Has ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of those complex mental disorders that can negatively affect a child’s success in education and the relationship with other children. ADHD symptoms usually vary and are sometimes hard to be recognized since most children will exhibit them at one point in their lives.


Facts About Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a certain form of cancer of the plasma cell, which is part of the immune system. Any bones that have active marrow can be affected by myeloma. The marrow in adults is normally active only in the spine, hips, ribs, pelvis, and shoulders. Myeloma patients have an immune system that is weaker than normal since the myeloma cells do not produce antibodies effectively. Read more about this condition.


Rosacea: What is Light Therapy and Why is it Used?

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that affects mostly women. Although it has no cure, it can be firmly controlled with treatment options. Red light therapy is one such available method. Scroll down to learn all about light therapy in the treatment of rosacea.


Can Multiple Myeloma be Asymptomatic?

Asymptomatic myeloma, also called smouldering or indolent myeloma, is said to be an early phase of a rare blood cancer known as multiple myeloma. In this case, patients have slightly higher levels of a paraprotein in the blood and an abnormal level of plasma cells in the bone marrow, but still no evidence of symptoms or signs of myeloma, such as bone disease or anemia.


The 3 Types of Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections are common worldwide, among men and women. Different parts of the urinary tract can be affected, leading to a categorization of the urinary infections in infections of the upper part and lower part of the urinary tract. Learn about different types of urinary tract infections, including cystitis, urethritis, and kidney infections.


Ear Infection: What Is Otitis Interna?

Otitis interna, commonly known as labyrinthitis or vestibular neuritis is the infection of the inner ear. Read this article to learn all about otitis interna, its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.


How to Know if It’s Croup or Whoop

Croup and whoop are two common conditions that can be confused with one another. Both conditions have a pattern of sound that you can hear when a person breathes. The characteristic of cough also makes these conditions different from each other.


5 Tips On Living With Genital Herpes

Living with genital herpes can be stressful, especially since there is so much social stigma attached to this disease. However, there are several things that you could do to make sure you enjoy a normal life. Read this article to know 5 tips that can help you to live with genital herpes.